
Ingredients for Mom’s Work-at-Home Success

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Have you ever wondered why your work-at-home business isn’t doing as well as you originally imagined it would? Have you ever wondered what it takes? After 4 years in business as a work at home mom, I would love to share the ingredients I sifted to answer your questions.

Too often, moms want all the answers at once and fall prey to expert advice. What is an expert anyway? My dictionary says skills and knowledge derived from training or experience. It does not say someone who knows everything, who will lead you to success for free and will never lead you astray unintentionally. The truth of the matter is that there is too much information for any one person to have it all and while experience helps us make decisions related to our business, just when you think you have learned everything there is to know about a subject, things exchange. The same products were not sold in 1950 as they were in 1960 or will be sold today. Times change, fashions change, technology changes, therefore business changes. My websites didn’t get to the top of the Google search engines thanks to the advice of some internet “expert”. I got to the top of the search engines by taking advice from many different internet “experts”.

The #1 Ingredient for Work at Home Mom Success is Research, Research, and Research some more.

Too often, moms think that once they have their business ready, the orders will start flowing, their pockets will start filling, and everything will be smooth sailing from then on. Is not true. When I had my first beautiful website full of beautiful products, I soon realized that my website wasn’t showing up in Google search engines and I wasn’t getting orders because of it. I knew that I had to appear on the first page of the Google search engine to get clients. I did research, I made changes, I checked the results, and then I did the same thing over and over again. Did every change I made work? No. Some? Yes. Now both of my websites are on the first page of the Google search engine. I will continue to monitor my status and make changes if necessary.

The #2 Ingredient for Working at Home Mom’s success is trial and error, trial and error, continual trial and error!

Too often, moms believe they will work fewer hours with their own business than when they leave home to work. Is not true. Your own business requires more hours. Hours to learn, hours to apply what you learned, hours to provide your product or service, hours to bookkeeping, the list goes on and on. However, there are certainly advantages to working from home. Being at home with young children or home when your kids get back from school, working the hours and days you prefer not your employers, no commute time, traffic, save money on gas, uniforms or expensive office clothes and more . Personally, I find eating lunch at home with my 3-year-old son much more enjoyable than sitting in a business lunchroom with an hour-long sandwich.

The #3 Ingredient for Working at Home Mom’s success is working, working harder, and then working some more.

Too often, moms give up because they aren’t an overnight success. National statistics say that new businesses take 3-5 years to become profitable and most businesses close before you have worked at them for a full year.

The #4 ingredient for working at home Mom’s success is not giving up!

Put it all together and what have we got, research, hard work, trial and error and don’t give up! I truly believe that God wants us to succeed. It simply asks us to plant the seeds for our business, harvest the grain that is available for our business, prepare the flour for our business, mix the dough in our business, and bake the base for our business before we get to taste the bread of our business. our business that is our success!

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