Health Fitness

Fun tips for exercising during the summer

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Summer is the perfect time to get in shape. The days are longer and warmer and we have the added incentive of El Bañador. It’s also the perfect time to keep it simple: ditch the gym, get out there, practice some easy exercises at home, eat for energy, and reap the rewards of a toned, natural-looking body and a little extra cash. Here are some great secrets to make the most of summer:

Running Tips: For many people, running is difficult, but its benefits are amazing. Not only is it relatively fast, but it burns a ton of calories, gets your heart rate up, is good for your bones, and puts you in a good mood. However, the simplicity of running can make it hard to get everything you can out of it. Here are some great tips for the perfect run:

* It is best to use mixed surfaces when running, avoiding concrete whenever possible, as it is very hard and can impact joints and bones and cause injury. Try running on gravel or trails for a complete workout: the softer surface is great for your body, and uneven ground burns more calories and requires your body to use more core strength. Asphalt is next best, and the treadmill comes in third.

* It seems like we’ve all been taught to measure a run in miles, but it’s better to measure it in minutes. This allows you to take your focus off the distance and control your pace for a better, less injury-prone run.

* Don’t be afraid to take a break. Most beginners try to run too fast and end up sore, exhausted, or injured. Make sure you can talk while running, otherwise slow down. And start walking before you get completely out of breath so you don’t get a cramp. Working slowly at a fast pace is the way to go.

The outdoors: In addition to running, walking, biking, and swimming are two other ways to get outdoors that reap huge fitness benefits. Cycling, while it can be expensive, is a great way to build muscle, not just in your legs, but your core and upper body as well, and get a good cardio workout. Getting fit on a bike is a surefire way to keep your knees from getting sore and most bike shops will provide you with free or very cheap bikes. Hiking is a cheaper alternative. I like to incorporate it into my runs to burn as much fat as possible. If you live in an area where you can swim outdoors in a river, lake, pond, or ocean, make the most of it. Swimming is not only one of the best exercises for your joints and bones, but it is also fun and relaxing to swim in chlorine-free water.

Home exercises: Two of the most common home exercises are two that are currently being modified or eliminated. It is now believed that crunches are a very inefficient way to get a flat stomach as they focus only on the large abdominal muscles and ignore the other core muscles. This can give a bloated appearance to the stomach. Try this Pilates move or this wonderful yoga plank position instead. For a toned butt, people have been doing squats for a long time, but leg extensions are much better, targeting almost twice as many gluteal muscles as squats. Simply get on your hands and knees with your arms shoulder-width apart. Extend one leg back from the hip with toes pointed. Do fifteen of these and then switch legs. Another easy home exercise that shows quick results: The classic push-up builds big shoulders and also works out your core muscles.

Eat for Fitness: Summer is also the time to reap the benefits of fresh, healthy food. These are great additions to your diet to help keep your energy up and injuries to a minimum: Avocados for their good fat, berries to reduce free radical damage, carrots for their potassium, dark poultry for zinc, and the iron of red meat without the calories and fat, hummus for complex carbohydrates, good fats, and protein, and salmon for omega-3 fatty acids that researchers say reduce belly fat.

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