
Bowling – Spot Bowling

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Spot bowling is a term used by professionals and all bowlers who are quite successful in the sport. The question is, what is the difference between skittles and skittles? We will try to answer that question here.

Bowling is when the bowler looks down at the pins and rolls the ball aiming at what they see in the alley. This may seem perfectly logical. After all, it’s the pins you’re aiming for, so why look at anything else? Don’t want to look at the pins? You certainly don’t want to be looking at the pretty girl in the lane next to you, though it would probably be a more interesting sight. And while it might seem logical to want to look at the pins since that’s what you’re trying to hit, the truth is, that’s the hardest way to try to knock them down. Why? We explain it to you shortly after we explain what spot bowling is.

Bowling is where you pick a spot in the alley, maybe an arrow or a point. You don’t look at the pins at all, no matter how tempted you might be. Instead, you look at the point and continue to look at it as you release the ball, never looking at the pins until after the ball rolls and heads down the alley. Then you can look to see what you have hit. For those of you scratching your head and wondering why you would want to do this, the answer may surprise you, but here it comes.

To understand the answer, you must first understand something about distance and precision. When you fire a weapon, the closer you are to the target, the more accurate your shot will be. As the target moves further away, it becomes more difficult to hit due to the distance. Think about it. If you’re playing darts and you have a dart board 6 inches in front of you, you’re going to hit the target more often than if it’s 20 feet away. Well, it’s the same with bowling. It is much easier to hit a spot in the lane a foot in front of you than it is to hit pins that are about twenty feet away.

If you’re still scratching your head thinking, “But you still have to hit the pins,” the difference is this. If you’re aiming for the second arrow from the right on your first shot and the ball lands to the left of the head pin, then you obviously need to move your spot to the right to hit pocket one-three. Well, it’s a lot easier to hit where you’re aiming, to hit that one-three pocket, than it is to try to hit pins 20 feet away. If you keep hitting the same spot, the ball will hit the same spot as long as the conditions don’t change and you keep the same ball speed.

This is the reason professional bowlers take notice of bowling. Are they good enough to maybe target the pins? Maybe. But why make it harder for themselves? Yes, believe it or not, spot bowling is easier than bowling.

Try it sometime. You will see your score improve almost immediately.

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