
Women’s fashion in the workplace

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Discussing women’s fashion and attire in the workplace can lead to a discussion with Human Resources, especially in some places with outdated ideas and policies. Still, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look elegant and professional, regardless of gender. Knowing what to wear when and how to look good doing it is a useful trick to know in any business for anyone at work.

formal fashion

Traditional formal fashion between the genders has been differentiated in two specific ways: ties and skirts. In some kingdoms, women are expected to wear ties, usually with school uniforms. In modern times, both ties for women and pants instead of skirts are generally acceptable. Places where skirts are required for women tend to deviate from proper formal wear. The basics, of course, remain the same. A suit or formal attire, depending on the requirements of the job, are still great options. However, always remember that heels are terrible and should feel terrible.


Semi-dress, also known as semi-formal, can be hard to pin down because it can vary by occasion and, unfortunately, by gender. For women, semidress usually means, well, a dress. In modern times, suits, just like men’s, are also usually acceptable. A suit with a skirt would also work, depending on the job. Knowing the work dress code is important, although in places where semi-dressing is allowed it is less likely to be a safety issue. Still, it never hurts to check it out. The main difference between the formal and the semi-dress is that you can reduce the amount of layers and remove the suit jacket once you are at your desk.


Casual charms at work often depend on the job and whether or not it’s Friday. For some places, it means you can wear blue jeans and a sports t-shirt, especially in the fall or spring. For other places, it may mean dress pants and a polo or button-up shirt. Skirts and dresses are also usually acceptable, although, as usual, it depends on the job and the dress code. Casual Fridays generally tend to allow more leeway than a business casual setting, such as sports team attire during game season. So while some places might expect slacks or a skirt and polo shirt as your overall attire, on Fridays you may be allowed to wear more or less than you would on a trip to the grocery store, within reason.

Knowing what to wear to work can be tricky for both genders, but on top of that, women have old-fashioned double standards. Still, there’s nothing wrong with looking good. A suit or formal day dress has a place, as do blue jeans and polo shirts. Wherever you work, familiarize yourself with the dress code, wear comfortable shoes, and keep jewelry to a minimum for good taste and safety. Watches are almost always acceptable, although the use of smart watches may depend on company policy. Either way, make sure you know the codes so you can look professional and, more importantly, feel comfortable for the shift.

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