
Why Prospecting Should Be Your Number One Priority

Posted by admin

Many people are much more comfortable with retail, but put recruiting on the backburner. In this article, I’m going to talk to you about why prospecting should be your number one priority.

It’s true that teamwork makes the dream work, but you have to remember that some people are going to leave your team. You can’t expect everything to turn out the way you’d like it to when you’re working with people.

Only a few will be willing to do what it takes

Only a few people will be willing to do what it takes to win at anything and that includes network marketing. You need to have enough people on your team so that you can keep moving forward even if you lose some people from the team or if people start to underperform.

You should always think like a winner and have an abundance mentality instead of thinking that there is not enough to go around and other thoughts that are obviously a lack mentality.

When you have a lot of personal recruits, your team members will also bring in a lot of new people because they are following the leader’s example. The more you do, the more they will do. If you’re not doing anything, they’re not going to do anything.


Once you’re good at recruiting, you’ll find it easy. Instead of worrying about your abilities and whether you’ll be able to go all the way, start moving forward and you’ll be amazed at how things start to fall into place with your recruiting efforts.

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