
When Is the Best Time to Buy a Car: Get the Time Right and Save Deal Dollars

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Timing is everything, whether you’re hitting a baseball or finishing off a prank. The same is true when you are buying a car. In fact, if you’re worried about saving money on your next auto deal, and who isn’t, then it’s wise to visit the dealer’s yard at a certain time, day, and month of the year. This article will cover the best time to buy a car so that you have more leverage in the negotiation and therefore can make a better deal.

All car salesmen are motivated by achieving goals: sales targets. And by the very nature of the job, competition is the lifeblood of the industry. There’s nothing tangible about selling a car, so the way to motivate and keep salespeople is to turn car sales into a competition between them. There are all kinds of rewards, from financial incentives, promotion chances to various sales prizes to be had if you are the best salesperson of the month or of the year.

So the best time to negotiate on a car if you want to get a good deal is right before the sales numbers come in. So it’s no surprise that the end of the fiscal year is a good time to buy a car. Dealers will be eager to increase the number of sales and therefore more willing to compromise on prices or extras.

The same goes for the end of the month. Once again, monthly sales figures will appear, and a car dealer will want to top the list for the number of cars sold. They will be more willing to move at any price during this period.

Another time that is not related to competitive drive, but rather to human nature and psychology, is buying a car during the week. First of all, most people shop on the weekend because they have time. Vendors will be busier at this time and will have more people to sell to. A higher offer from the ‘big dirty’ means less bargaining power for you.

Also, think about the time you go to the dealership. Like most people, a car dealer will be less energetic or alert right after lunch. All the blood will have gone to the stomach to process the food. This is an opportunity to get one about the car dealer, as long as you haven’t had a big lunch yourself.

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