Legal Law

What is the law of attraction?

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There is no definitive answer to this invisible power, but the law of attraction has been attributed to many thoughts, such as an ancient philosophy, karma, or more specifically, an omnipotent universal force. Some fonts like gravity or let’s say it just exists. The law of attraction responds to what you focus on, feel intensely and think about, which ultimately manifests into your reality. The positive side is a very positive thing, but negative thoughts can result in the opposite.

Those who subscribe to the law of attraction claim that it is an inevitable law, like gravity. Although, even those who do not recognize the law of attraction are participating in it nonetheless. Before the popularity of the best-selling book and DVD, “The Secret,” this phenomenon was probably better known as “cause and effect,” but it wasn’t nearly as mysterious or interesting as it is now.

Good vibrations

One belief behind the law of attraction is the idea that the entire universe emits certain vibrations. As part of the universe, you also emit vibrations. This is somewhat like your personal transmission, in the same way that a radio transmits sound waves, the law of attraction responds to the vibrations emitted by people.

If you give off positive vibes, then the law states that you will receive positive things in return. To generate these vibrations, sources say that you must visualize achieving your goals and dreams. Every day, you think specifically about the things you want to achieve. In between the times when you think so specifically, you need to cultivate an overall positive attitude so that your vibration is always positive.

In other words, you can’t offset 23 hours of negative thinking with one hour of positive visualization. While we all have negative thoughts and there’s not much we can do about it, we can improve the process by creating things like vision boards, reading inspirational novels, or simply surrounding ourselves with positive and uplifting people.

I like attracts I like

The law of attraction is based on the principle that “like attracts like”. That is why it is said that a positive outlook affects you positively, while a negative one does the opposite. Are you a radiator or a drain? One that exudes warmth or one that drags you down! Probably not the best of examples, but I think you get my point.

The subconscious

An interesting theory within the law of attraction suggests that the brain cannot adequately distinguish between observing an event in real life and one within your own mind. For the brain, according to the theory, an event is an event. It is perceived as real, even though it is just a thought process. How powerful is that? This is why the law of attraction can turn your thoughts into reality, good or bad, tapping into the very core of your subconscious.

taking action

As opportunities begin to present themselves, the need to act on them should be your goal. After all, it was your thoughts that manifested. You must be able to distinguish these opportunities from any other ordinary event, especially if they are part of some goal you have set for yourself. People who study the law of attraction follow up on any and all opportunities that have anything to do with their goals, and those that intuitively “feel right.” After all, sometimes you can’t tell how relevant something is to your goals until you act on it.

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