
What is Confidence Report?

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Most of the theories on how to pick up girls were compiled by guys who had problems with women and were trying to get better. Therein lies the very nature of the problems with most theories. Everyone assumes that you, approaching the girl, have less value than her. By assuming this, you are forced to play a role of lesser value. Why the hell are you assuming you’re worth less than the girl? I don’t care how hot it is!

This is especially true of the relationship versus attraction theory. The theory is: Assuming she has two glasses that she needs to fill attraction and relationship, the attraction glass needs to be filled before she pays attention to their relationship. Well, this theory suffers greatly because “my report isn’t valuable enough for her to listen to.”

What you say is that you have to WORK for his ATTENTION. By thinking this, you PLAY the role of having less value. Let me put it to you this way, if you’re a nerd and you walk up to a hot girl and she says “fuck you”, you’re probably going to turn around and walk away, right? Then you’re going to devise strategies to make him pay attention. Now, what if you were more handsome than Brad Pitt, had more money than Donald Trump, and she said that? You would probably laugh. And she would respond differently because you responded differently.

You see that all external problems come from internal responses. What you believe shapes your reality. And if you think you need to fill a glass of attraction, that you need to fight for his attention, you’re falling into the frame that you’re inherently NOT good enough.

Well my friend, this is BASED on FALSE assumptions that you are not good enough and therefore you should interest her. If you assume anything, instead assume that she loves hearing your report and getting to know you. All people WANT-NEED to be loved. They just have filters. You should assume you’re better than the guys she filters and laugh at any resistance. Why bother juggling, dancing, and doing all kinds of routines just to get her attention? She responds differently to resistance, she responds with confidence, and you can forget about the two-cup theory. The way you respond to her should MAKE her interested by showing a stronger reality.

As my business partner, Cameron Teone, always used to say, it’s like the scene in The Matrix where Neo has to jump through buildings. He can’t do it until he really believes. Well, I’m telling you to believe in yourself and break the glass of attraction. You do NOT need it. It is a theory born of insecurity.

All you need is a good relationship: a confidant relationship. So what is the difference between an insecure relationship and a secure relationship? It all comes down to your inner beliefs. Do you think that she will listen to you and she will like what you have to say about yourself? Should. In fact, she should be hanging on every word you say because you think she needs you. If you have that shred of doubt, that means you think she’s not ATTRACTED to you, and so you need to build the attraction. But what if you didn’t have that doubt? Girls can smell confidence and can definitely spot any insecurities. They will see the confidence you have in yourself when you are direct and simply assume that they will like you. And they will respond positively. Remember an inch of doubt and you are dead in the water.

The next big question is how can I get this trust? Well… see you in a workshop.

seth parker

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