
What does aromatherapy do?

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“Take control of your health the natural way”

I’m glad you asked! The idea behind aromatherapy is that the use of therapeutic essential oils can help prevent illness by reducing anxiety. Anxiety causes many problems including pain, hair loss, weakened immune system, skin rashes, and much more. Scent or smells have an effect on the part of the brain that supports our emotions, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and sense of smell.

Smells can trigger fond memories, like the smell of chocolate chip cookies. You smell chocolate chip cookies, so you think of yourself and your mother in the kitchen when you were little, which gives you a feeling of happiness. Smells can also trigger bad memories, like the very smell of chocolate chip cookies. You smell chocolate chip cookies, so you think you fell off the back porch while eating a chocolate chip cookie, creating a sore feeling. In each of these scenarios, your body has a reaction, either positive or negative.

The pleasant smells in the air make people stay longer in retail stores, spas, hotels, cinemas, museums, and casinos. They have also been shown to improve productivity and improve physical performance of athletes when the room smelled of mint or lemon.

Simply put, aromatherapy focuses on scents that create a positive, relaxing response from your body, giving you a sense of overall well-being. So the next time someone asks you, “What does aromatherapy do?” You can tell them that it helps you relax!

It is easy to incorporate into your routine. I personally recommend a Aromatherapy essential oil diffuser. They are relatively inexpensive and you can put them anywhere. (Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, office) They also make amazing gifts. I am addicted to mine. There are all kinds of essential oils for all kinds of moods. They come with recipes for whatever you need at the time. My 10 year old grandson wants one for his birthday to help treat his allergies! They even have one with a color LED that changes the night light and turns off automatically. Just choose your option. (This is the one I have. The light also calms me). What you choose will make an amazing difference in your life.

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