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Using the essence of LEADERSHIP!

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After more than four decades of personal involvement, in almost everything related to effective leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, to personally serving as a leader. On several occasions, I strongly recommend to those who are considering, seeking to become a leader, to be as prepared as possible, pay close attention and maintain the necessary discipline, to consistently recognize and respect the essence of effectiveness. . MAJOR! This means and requires going far beyond mere appearance, but making these features second nature! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Hear; learn; lessons; limitations; leadership: To ensure your leadership is optimal, you must listen and learn effectively, from every conversation and experience, to gain empathy, as well as learn essential lessons, to avoid repeating the same old mistakes! However, what few recognise, and fully understand, are the limitations involved, because one cannot and should not attempt to do it yourself, but rather develop a team, to become the best they can be!

2. Empathy; emphasis; Excellence; endurance; to enrich; example: Once one understands, a true leader must set an example, follow and believe in it, he begins to demonstrate genuine empathy and places his emphasis accordingly! He must demand the highest degree of personal excellence from him, never being satisfied with good enough! Enriching the party requires stamina and persistence to keep moving forward, while much of the rest of the party gives up.

3. Attitude; fitness; attention; articulate; behavior: Maintaining a positive can-do attitude (without wearing rose-colored glasses) and developing a well-developed set of skills and abilities, aligned with paying close attention, positions a potential leader to become a genuine one! You must articulate an inspiring message and rationale, and your actions must clearly demonstrate your sincerity and integrity!

4. deepen; discover; bold: One must go beyond the surface and delve deeply into all viable options and alternatives to discover the best path: go ahead! It takes a bold leader, to have the courage, to expand the limitations of your self-imposed comfort zone!

5. inspiring; imagination; innovate; integrity: Inspirational leaders have the combination of integrity, relevant imagination, and an inspiring message, to produce common-sense, common good-oriented, and encouraging, a true meeting of minds!

6. Needs; highly strung: Leadership must be based on needs, and a true leader needs courage to make challenging decisions, as and when necessary.

7. Generate goodwill; growth; Greater good; guiding: A true leader should hold himself accountable for leading his constituents in the right direction! Seek significant growth, constantly generating goodwill, focused on the common good~

Will you use the basic principles and essence of quality, MAJOR, to become a quality leader? Do you have what it takes?

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