
Unemployment Lawyer Tips: Avoid Discrimination

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For employers, it is crucial to be aware of unemployment discrimination. Not considering a potential employee just because they have been out of work for a long time is considered discrimination and is illegal. An unemployment attorney can provide information on what federal and state laws apply to actions that could be considered discriminatory.

What the law protects

While there is no current federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with no work history, an applicant can still file a claim at the time of their interview or application if they feel they are being treated unfairly because of their work history. Applicants can also hire an unemployment attorney to help them, which can be detrimental to a business owner or employer.

A disparate impact charge is when the employer uses lack of employment for a period of time as the sole reason for not giving the applicant a fair chance at a position. This can be seen as a blanket policy used to weed out applicants who are not currently working. If the unemployment attorney can prove that a business is using a disparate impact charge, this may be grounds for legal action.

States That Prohibit Unemployment Discrimination

There are only two states that currently prohibit this practice: Oregon and New Jersey. These states have passed laws that make it illegal not to hire someone who is unemployed if they are qualified for the position. Due to the laws of these two states, employers cannot post job advertisements that prevent hiring someone who is not currently working. Each state has its own policies, so it can be helpful to find out which ones will take action against a business if a complaint is made.

As an employer, it is imperative to have a good understanding of federal employee laws and rights. Without this, the company may be at risk of facing legal problems. While some people make unsuccessful unemployment discrimination claims, a good unemployment attorney can often be successful in winning a case for their client. Knowing the laws of the state in which business is conducted can prevent future lawsuits for the employer. A good selection practice to consider is not to use employment history as the sole reason for choosing candidates. Be sure to also consider other parts of the application, such as educational history or special skills.

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