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Understand the power of empathy

Posted by admin

Sometimes, to others, your life can seem really great, or even amazing, though that is until you have to navigate decisions that aren’t as obvious as they may seem, in someone else’s eyes. Your eyes are yours, just as my eyes are mine, although sometimes I wish I could see what you can see, which I can’t!

You would like to reach out, as if touching a cloud, to find a soft hand, to give you back, to guide you, guide you, support you or at least show you empathy.

You can be sure of one thing: it’s never wrong to ask for help, seek someone else’s opinion, or at least analyze the input of someone else’s experience. Seeking the care or assistance of someone who is more experienced in life than you or I could be a huge help or amazing service! We have all experienced situations that are tumultuous, at best. Sometimes, without reason or rhyme or reason: we are the object, like a specimen, of a coveted ability or talent that is exploited or abused, with no other apparent reason than irrefutable greed.

We ARE all placed on the planet to provide a gift or service, first to ourselves, proud of our talents, work ethic, or ability to be original or creative, and then to help humanity, in any way that comes our way. natural. Forms of service can emerge as a trait, discipline, or skill that we have been taught or that comes to us innately or even organically. Some of the most amazing abilities that people demonstrate come wholly and completely from their own psyche. Take for example the skills of kindness, compassion and yes, even empathy is a great skill to have! You may not see them as skills, but in fact they are because, let’s face it, not everyone demonstrates them.

Did you know that empathy is not as natural to some people as you might expect? Empathy is a feeling of compassion for your fellow man, animal, or anything or anyone on this great planet of ours. It is our job to engage others with empathy and show love and kindness to everyone and everything.

Understanding the power of empathy opens so many doors for you, me, and others on our periphery! Empathy is a global and noble calling that allows for understanding, helpful acts of kindness, or sheer comfort in an otherwise uncomfortable life, circumstance, or situation.

Make seeking or donating empathy more of an occasion, without expectations, show empathy to the hurting, downtrodden or even the most unworthy of human beings. It is okay to feel and act on the basis of empathy. Empathy is a much better skill to demonstrate than greed, fear, judgment, or jealousy. It will bring you understanding and help you resolve different points of view, or even give you more patience when impractical situations come your way.

Sometimes we are pushed into situations for ubiquitous reasons that have no rhyme or reason. It is best to be empathetic, even if no one else does. Quiet your mind, even when someone or a group of people deny that they are causing you distress or disdain. They are coveting your work, your written words, or your ability to hone a skill that they haven’t even tried to do themselves. If they only tried, they would understand that perfecting a skill takes effort and cannot be retrieved and should not be repackaged or reworked.

Flip the direction of that negative energy, flip it upside down!

Time to start over! Make this dying time ripe for resolution and solutions by fertile planting and planning. Realize what is happening, reuse your thoughts and align with your mind, now is the best time to focus on another path.

Learn to blossom through your pain and watch your life, focus, and energy change. Life change can come in new and even better ways! KEEP IN MIND that better days are ahead and the bad days are behind you. Let that sink into your thoughts and know that it is your truth. Focus on someone else, someone other than you..

This is best accomplished when you help others, especially those who need to land safely after a fall. You can show empathy by helping them land with both feet on the ground. Surround them with comfort after they have experienced emotional turmoil or unresolved struggle. Suffering through struggle is not an easy task, something that both you and I fully understand, especially if you are someone who is sensitive and feels the pain and suffering of others as well as your own. Striving can never be completely eliminated, as sure as the life of our oceans and the waves in our lives, although it can be analyzed.

When your life is at a crossroads and you don’t know whether to turn left or right, don’t move at all!

OH NO! That is the best time to contemplate your decision and seek inner strength and guidance. Perhaps for some, prayer, meditation, quiet time alone, or quiet introspection are old-fashioned, but for some of us, one or all three seem to work best when combined, they even work quite well. when any one or all three are combined. together.

**Never underestimate or be reluctant to give or feel empathy for another human being. One day, that same empathetic support and energy will come back to you and possibly be the glue that holds you together or sticks you back together, just like Humpty-Dumpty!

** I enjoy learning from you and others continually offering me knowledge!~

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