Legal Law

Turkey House Plans – Everything You Need To Know Before Deciding On A Turkey House

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So he has been raising some turkey poults in the backyard for his own family’s consumption. Now she wants to take her turkey project to the next level and raise more than her family needs. What are you doing now? How do you scale exactly? The first thing you need to seriously think about is how to come up with your turkey house plans.

From this point on, you should be prepared to accommodate adult turkeys, both male and female, and provide them with an environment conducive to breeding and raising their own babies. If you have been into raising turkey poults, you will find the next level easier because it doesn’t make much of a difference to what you are currently doing.

Deciding on the best turkey house plans is an important factor in the success of your turkey farming project. Most turkey house plans will have provisions for heat lamps, which regulate the temperature in the hatchery. If you are considering multiple plans, it is recommended that you choose one that is scalable. This way, you can expand it if you decide later that you want more turkeys, or reduce it, if you want to reduce the size of your stock.

Turkey house plans usually come with an accurate list of the materials you need. For best results, follow the bill of materials unless you can make informed modifications to the plan. For example, buy the required length of wood, as well as the required number of meters of wire mesh fence. The roof is something you can have flexibility with. You can use virtually any material of your choice for the roof, as long as it provides protection for the turkeys from exposure to the elements.

Finally, typical turkey house plans should also have areas for males and females to breed. The breeding space should be comfortable enough to accommodate the turkeys during the one-week breeding period. After the breeding period, the females will need a nest box to lay their eggs. The nest box should be large enough to accommodate the nesting turkeys, as well as small enough to protect the eggs, as they are laid one per day. It normally takes a week to fill the nest box with eggs. After laying eggs for a week, you have the option of removing the eggs for hatching or leaving them there for their mothers to warm until hatch.

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