
Think before choosing a dog

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I often wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of some weird religious sect. Rita Rudner

Do you want to improve your life in various ways? Then buy yourself a dog.

The medical profession has shown that owning a dog will lower blood pressure and cholesterol and relieve stress levels. You’ll recover faster after surgery or serious illness if you have a dog to talk to who wags his tail as you pet him. Owning a dog should reduce the number of doctor visits and give you a sense of mental well-being.

Allowing the elderly or infirm to pet an animal has been proven to bring great rewards. Somehow, the unconditional attention you receive while petting a pet will do wonders for your health, both physical and mental.

Now that you have decided, you need to decide which breed of dog would best suit your lifestyle. Do you live in a small apartment or in a large farm? This will be a consideration.

There are over a hundred registered dog breeds. Here are some of the most popular.

Labradors are versatile dogs. They are known for their ability as guide dogs. His affable personality combined with a kind, intelligent and energetic good nature is a perfect combination. They crave attention, are easy to get along with strangers, so they don’t pose a threat to people they encounter while going about their daily chores. They are excellent retrievers and enjoy holding objects including hands and arms in their mouths. They are wonderful family dogs and are very protective of their territory.

German Shepherds (also known as Alsatians) were originally used in herding sheep and cattle. They are intelligent and easily trained. They are used in the military and police and as guide dogs. They are excellent pets and very protective of their owners.

Boxers are playful and energetic. They are perfect as children’s pets because they have an extended puppy stage and are not considered adults until they are three years old. They are known to be obedient and have strong personalities. It is advisable to start your training as soon as possible.

Rotweillers were known to have been used by the Romans as cattle watchmen. Due to their incredible strength and intelligence, they have been used as police and military dogs. They are fearless and frown when alert. They are active and playful.

Poodles make excellent companions and are loyal. They are calm but require more effort in training than other breeds. Maintenance can be difficult due to her curly hair.

Dachshunds, also known as sausage dogs, enjoy chasing and hunting. They are playful and loyal, and love to chase any small animal in sight. They have keen senses.

Beagles have a strong sense of smell and are used for hunting. They are good-tempered, but training could be a problem as they are strong-willed and stubborn.

This covers just a few of the more popular breeds. There are many pavement specials that will give you years of enjoyment and may be less prone to disease than purebreds.

I suggest you consider all aspects of the dog you choose and don’t bring him into the family home because he looks like such a cute puppy! Remember, it is a long-term relationship.

Do you fancy having a puppy with all the accompanying training issues, yet you’ll have a stronger bond with a puppy you’ve raised for about 10 weeks? But if you don’t feel like getting up at night, dirtying your Persian rug and gnawing on your furniture, maybe you should decide on an adult. It may take longer to bond, but once this has happened, you’ll have a friend for life.

When you bring the puppy home, introduce him to everyone in your family so he can get acquainted with his new housemates.

The matter of naming your puppy is serious business. His name should be easily recognizable, so it should be no more than two syllables. Don’t give him a funny name that means something to you. You’ll feel like a fool when you have to call the dog. Be careful that the name doesn’t sound similar to basic commands like ‘no’ or ‘down’. It is suggested that you get to know your pet before giving it a name. This should prevent errors.

Do not rush to choose a permanent place for the bed. A dog has definite opinions about where he should sleep, so give your new pet time to explore the house and find his favorite spot.

A puppy will need to be monitored for the first few weeks in your home. It will be necessary to take him outside regularly to teach him where to relieve himself. He must have a personal bed that is always kept in the same place. When he starts chewing on your furniture, give him a washcloth rolled up and stored in the freezer. This replacement for whatever you’re demolishing will ease teething pain and distract your attention from forbidden items.

You may find it useful to take it for puppy training if you have any doubts about your competence to perform this important task yourself, or feel like you don’t have time. Choose your training instructor carefully and make sure they are allowed to participate in sessions.

He will need to have regular vaccinations to prevent illness or possible death from the many diseases that can attack a dog.

The multiple services that a dog can provide should not be overlooked. Assistance dogs are a vital part of many people’s lives. They are not just ‘tools’ to help a deficiency, but friends who provide companionship for the rest of their lives.

These assistance dogs fall into several categories.

Guide dogs that assist people with visual disabilities

Hearing dogs that are specially trained to nudge their owners when they hear certain noises like phones, doorbells, and horns.

Mobility aid dogs help pull wheelchairs and carry light equipment for their owners in backpacks.

Seizure alert dogs are trained to press a button that contacts assistance in the event of a seizure or heart attack. They do not depart from the side of their owners.

Psychiatric service dogs provide an emotional security blanket to those who may have mental illnesses and phobias. They also help autistic people stay focused.

Finally, there are combination dogs that are trained to help people with multiple disabilities.

There is a lot of controversy these days about the quality of pet food. (This industry generates about $40 billion a year.) There is little regulation on manufacturing and labels are confusing. For example, what are meat by-products? Is it bone scrapings, cartilage, sebum and/or some unthinkable elements? (I’ll be happy to email you an article with the possibilities, or you can visit

And of course, you’ll want to make sure your pet and your home stay free of fleas. With a little effort on your part, this shouldn’t mean throwing out all your furniture, including rugs and curtains, and starting from scratch. There are a number of products you can get from your vet that kill fleas and ticks efficiently. They need to be applied on a regular basis. The dog can also be bathed and soaked.

It is not enough to love your pet. They also require exercise on a regular basis, especially if they are of larger breeds. Do you have time to take them for a walk on a regular basis, in a park or in and around your property?

These are all necessary considerations before you rush out and buy a dog. A pet is a long-term investment. But, for me, no problem is big enough to make me get rid of the plethora of dogs and cats that we have and have had throughout our lives.

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