
The unknown facts about the natural healer Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera, a succulent plant, has been used for centuries for different purposes, including medical treatments, beauty and skin care, herbal remedies, etc. More than 420 species of the Aloe family of plants are used for various occasions. The plant contains a significant amount of water in its leaves and root system.

The use of the Plant of Immortality in history:

6000 years ago, the Egyptians called the plant the “plant of immortality”, while the Native Americans called it “Wand of Heaven”. Beauty queen Cleopatra used the juice on her body for a beauty regimen. The Greeks used the plant to cure everything from baldness to insomnia. The Philippians used it with milk for Kidney infection. In 1944, Japanese soldiers who were exposed to the “A” bomb used aloe gel to treat their wounds and reported less scarring and faster healing. Today in Japan, aloe vera is used in commercially available yogurt. Both the ancient Chinese and the Egyptians used the plant to treat burns, wounds and to reduce the intensity of fever. Alexander conquered the island of Socotra to ensure the supply of Aloe Vera. Aristotle advised him to do this so they could use Aloe Vera to treat wounded soldiers.

Aloe Vera Ingredients:

Aloe vera has approximately 75 active components including 20 amino acids and many vitamins and minerals, for example calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese, copper, zinc, vitamin A, B2, C, E and folic acid. It is also rich in carbohydrates, enzymes, salicylic acids, and phytochemicals such as saponins. As a result, the gel helps maintain the natural energy level.

The healing properties of the plant:

skin care: The plant has rejuvenating properties, making it perfect for patients who have serious skin diseases. It works as a moisturizer and hydrates the skin. When absorbed into the skin, it stimulates fibroblast cells and causes them to regenerate faster. Fibroblast cells are responsible for producing collagen and elastin so that the skin becomes smoother and younger looking. Aloe vera also increases the amount of oxygen in the skin and provides healthy, bright and clear skin. Reduces dark spots. Soothes dry skin and strengthens weak nails. Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory properties soothe the skin, reduce redness, swelling and rashes on the skin’s surface and minimize the appearance and scarring of acne and fight pimples. The lignin present in the plant is beneficial for skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. Finally, it fades stretch marks.

asthma treatment: Aloe vera is used to treat asthma. It is suggested to boil aloe vera leaves with water, and patients are suggested to breathe in the steam. The miracle plant is also used to treat sores in the mouth, stomach, or cold sores.

Kills bacteria and viruses.: Saponins, a steroidal glycoside, found in plant tissue fight against antimicrobials such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts. Saponins dissolve in water to form a soapy foam and have cleansing and antiseptic properties. Aloe vera is used to treat minor burns and itching from insect bites.

Digestion: Aloe Vera juice contains a large amount of digestive enzymes, antioxidants and a natural form of aspirin. Naturally stimulates the immune system. The polysaccharide, found in the gel, functioned as a chemical messenger for the immune system. Aloe vera juice was used as a natural laxative that stimulates bowel movement and helps with exclusion. It works within the intestinal tract to help break down food residue that has been affected and help cleanse the intestine. When the intestine is cleansed, it greatly reduces bloating, discomfort, and helps relieve stress. As a result, the juice reduces irritable bowel syndrome. Although it does not have any side effects, it should not be taken regularly as it can affect the lining of the intestine.

Make-up remover and hair conditioner: Can be used as make-up remover and hair conditioner. Increases hair growth and reduces hair loss. It is also an excellent option for aftershave treatment.

Other Internal Benefits: The plant lowers high cholesterol and stabilizes the level of sugar in the blood. Research reveals that the plant stops inflammation and ends constipation. Doctors prescribed the juice for rheumatism and arthritis. The juice also lowers heart attack rates and cures gum disease. Gibberellin found in the plant acts as a growth hormone that stimulates the formation of new cells. Researchers and scientists are trying to use it against AIDS and cancer due to its healing properties.

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