
The National Weather Service: What, When and Why

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weather recording

In 1870, the National Weather Service (NWS) was founded by a resolution of President Ulysses S. Grant. The resolution established that the National Meteorological Service “provide the carrying out of meteorological observations in the military stations in the interior of the continent and in other points of the States and Territories… and to give warning in the (Great) Lakes of the north and in the coast by magnetic telegraph and marine signals, of the proximity and strength of storms.” George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson established an interest in weather-related recordings before the establishment of the National Weather Service. This interest influenced the role and development of the National Meteorological Service.

SNM progress

o 1869: The telegraph was invented, in which weather observations could be rapidly transmitted to and from various locations. This helped make weather forecasting and reporting easier.

o 1870 – General Albert J. Meyer was appointed director of the Weather Bureau and the National Weather Service was established. At this point in history, the National Weather Service was operating in the same vein as military traditions.

o 1890 – The Department of Agriculture reformed the Weather Bureau to make it a civil company. This was done at the request of President Benjamin Harrison. Because of this change, the Kentucky Derby (in its 15th year) was able to take a weather report!

o 1891 – The Secretary of Agriculture gave meteorological instructions and experiments to the National Weather Service in 1891.

o 1901 – The first 3-day forecast was made; and postmen put sheets of paper sharing the forecast in the newspaper as it was delivered each morning.

o 1927 – The Weather Bureau’s ability to make weather predictions was greatly improved with the advent of air travel. The NWS learned about air currents, upper level humidity, etc.

o 1951 – The National Weather Service established the Severe Weather Warning Center at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. This Center is the predecessor of the National Severe Storms Center.

o 1960 – The first weather satellite is launched at Cape Canaveral.

o 1967 – The Weather Bureau was officially renamed the National Weather Service, which is made up of members of the Volunteer Corps who notify the NWS periodically of their observations.

Use the NWS daily!

By utilizing all that this government agency has to offer, we are able to plan recreational activities, monitor storm activity, know what to wear each day, etc. You can check the NWS website for custom forecasts for your local area, across the United States, and even around the world. Other information on the NWS website: details on local air quality; educational resources to help your children learn about the weather; and more!

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