Digital Marketing

Tailor your resume to the right keywords

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At large companies, recruiters rely on a computer program called an applicant tracking system that stores and filters resumes to find the best candidates for a job. To make the match, the ATS software relies on keywords: words and phrases that tell the program that a candidate is a good match for a specific job description. Just as search engines like Google use keywords to find the right web pages, ATS software uses keywords to find the right resumes.

How Employers Use Keywords

While they can’t guess the exact keywords recruiters are using, resume writers try to find the most likely prospects for their industry and role.

Where do you find the right keywords to include on your resume? Professional resume writers recommend that you start with the job posting, which will contain a description of duties and qualifications. The ATS will try to match as many words in the job advertisement as possible with the words on your resume. The more matches, the better the fit and the better the chances of you getting an interview.

Repeating words, including section titles and specific terms, are good candidates for keyword selection. Also look at similar job postings as a cross-reference to find the most likely candidates for your keywords. Recruiters and headhunters can often guide you. Online and print publications also include keyword research guides.

Other sources of keyword research:

1. Go to websites representing companies and associations related to the candidate’s target industry for other buzzwords.

2. Search LinkedIn profiles of users who have similar jobs to see what keywords they are using.

3. Go to association websites to see what keywords other industry professionals have used.

As you research keywords, keep a master list to ensure important words are represented on your resume when applying for specific jobs.

The specific words employers are looking for relate to skills and experiences that demonstrate your expertise with the skills necessary to do the job. Both hard and soft skills will fall into this category. Industry and job specific skills are almost always included in keyword lists. Highly technical fields may also include specific jargon or terms that demonstrate subject matter expertise. Job titles, certifications, types of degrees, college names, and company names also demonstrate an applicant’s qualifications. Awards and professional organizations can also be considered strong keywords.

Ultimately, job seekers need to ask themselves, “What keywords would you use if you were writing this job description?”

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