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Super Heroes In Your Kids Playhouse will defend your child’s right to fun!

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How can your child children’s playhouse transform into one of the coolest, most amazing and action-packed amusement centers in the universe? Filling it to the gills with superheroes, of course! Everything on it must have some sort of “force field” glow, a power port, kryptonite, or a web shooter. But how can you put all these shapes together to create a space that doesn’t overwhelm your little one?

Try some of these strategies to maximize the superhero décor in your kids’ playhouse:

Put superhero decals on the walls in a pattern, and not just randomly to get a flow of color. They don’t have to be all the same characters, but one possible look could be a pattern that features a red hero, a blue villain, and then a black hero, repeat. This will give the space a cleaner look and things won’t seem as jumbled together.

Choose a rug that has the look of a shield or a star, which are indicative of a superhero cave. Select a color that hides dirt, because you know little kids can get pretty dirty, and in all honesty, that’s one of the best parts about being one. If you opt for a hardwood or tile floor, be sure to offer some scattered rugs so the space doesn’t feel too cold and harsh.

Have fun with window treatments! Once again, the outdoor playhouse will benefit from a cluster of stars, which can symbolize some sort of superpower. Make window treatments big stars! Simply cut a piece of bright yellow fabric or felt. Stick it on a plain or superhero patterned fabric panel. Hang up and watch your child’s eyes light up! Another option for window treatments is to add glitter or glitter fabric paint or sequins.

Give your kids playhouse the feel of a hero’s welcome for your little super kid! A few flashy features, a few photos of their favorites, and room for them to run, jump, and catch bad guys is all your child will need to have a great time. Saving the planet has never been so easy!

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