Lifestyle Fashion

Strong Immune System: Key to Great Life and Health

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The immune system is a system created by specialized cells and organs of the body to protect against the adverse effects of external biological influence. The human body is very sensitive and often tends to react against any external biological attack. An immune system is a shield created by a collection of mechanisms that are used to protect the human body against any type of infection.

The system is capable of detecting pathogens ranging from various types of viruses to parasitic worms. Detecting the presence of pathogens is almost impossible as they adapt and find ways to infect the host organism. Therefore, the immune system plays a very important role against attack from outside the body. Any discrepancy with it will lead to diseases and infections.

What is an Immune System and its function?
It is a system that creates a defensive shield against any type of external infection and against other invaders of the body. The system consists of cells, organs, and tissues. The cells that take an active part in the system are white blood cells or leukocytes and they are available in two types.

Leukocytes are present at various points in the body, such as the thymus, bone marrow, and spleen, which is why they are often referred to as lymphoid organs. The basic types of white blood cells are phagocytes and lymphocytes that help the body kill dangerous invaders.

The weakening of the immune system of the human body for any reason makes the body vulnerable to any form of disease. Some of the most common symptoms of a weak immune system are tiredness, inflammation, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, allergic reactions, and some fungal infections.

Normally, a healthy person can catch a cold and flu twice a year, but if a person gets colds infrequently, then they must have an immune deficiency.

Immunodeficiency leads to many diseases and adverse bodily conditions. People who work in public places or children at school are often exposed to viruses, germs, and bacteria, making them more prone to illness. Even a person with a strong immune system will have a hard time getting through cold and flu season due to constant and ongoing exposure to these disorders.

Almost everyone is exposed to viruses and germs at one time or another; some people have no or very few symptoms, while others are greatly affected by them. Why this happens is a mystery? Most doctors and scientists assume that this may be due to variation in people’s immune systems. This may be why people tend to take health supplements to support the immune system.

Andrographis Paniculata or AP is one of the most effective herbs that can be used to strengthen the immune system. This medicine has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure colds, flu and inflammation. Some of the other things used to enhance it are green tea, olive leaf, piperine and Siberian ginseng and many more.

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