Digital Marketing

Scrapbook Block Tips

Posted by admin

Here are a couple of ideas that I use all the time when I have a hard time coming up with ideas for my digital scrapbook pages.

First, I turn on the music from memory. What is memory music? That is the music you listen to that floods your mind with memories of the past. It is also the music that makes you think about the subject that you are trying to dismiss. For example: I put on ballads from the 70s when I am erasing the Valentine’s Day pages as this reminds me of my dating years and makes it easier to imagine love themes.

Even the Christmas music in March works wonders for my Christmas photo themes from last Christmas. You may want to try some Celtic songs for St. Patrick’s Day or your favorite light rock songs for Valentine’s Day.

If that doesn’t get your ideas flowing, then step 2 I use is the random blank pages mode.

All I do is place a couple of blank white sheets of paper on the table (for manual scrapping) or on the computer screen when doing digital scrapping. Then I take 4-8 photos that go together and start sorting them on the pages until they look good and flow with the eye. Once they do, it’s easy to add small elements and some color until I like the final look.

Sometimes the simplest aspect is the best for the memory photo story you are trying to tell.

Happy Scrapbooking. I hope these two simple ideas for generating scrapbook themes get your creativity flowing again.

Until next time …

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