Legal Law

Running a wholesale store for a living

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It is not uncommon to find a lot of wholesale stores in any shopping center on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda. These types of stores tend to stand out from the larger retail stores because customers prefer to buy products at a relatively cheaper price. For those who are really busy, with a lot of stock, one can see streams of people going in and out of the store every few minutes. They will go in empty handed for the men, with a bag for the women, and come out with a box of laundry soap, a bag of beans, a 10-kilogram bag of cornmeal (posho as we call it here), a can of cooking oil, a carton of mineral water, to name just a few.

There are also those stores that are relatively busy and have their biggest selling seasons, like when the kids go back to school or it’s a holiday season. On a normal day for this type of wholesaler, you might see people coming in and buying smaller quantities of products. That is why businesses work both wholesale and retail to stay afloat.

On that particular day, I decided to have a chat with Ms. Lillian Nassazi, who owns a wholesale store in Namugongo, a suburb of Kampala. I have known her for a few years as a client, but this time I thought it would be good to discover the intricacies of running a wholesale business.

I asked him some questions:

Tell me about you

My name is Lillian Nassazi. I am a mother of 3 children between 4 and 8 years old. I am married and live in the neighborhood.

What inspired you to open a wholesale store?

After searching in vain for a full-time job, I contacted my sister and we discussed ways to start a business. Then we got together and opened this place. My motivation was to be employed.

What is your day-to-day routine? How many days do you work in a week?

I wake up at 5:00 am and get my kids ready for school. After some homework, I leave home and am here at 7:00 am. I work until 9:00 p.m., 6 days a week.

Have you set yourself any challenges in this business?

A lot… Clients abuse me, they are never satisfied, they complain, they default on credit lines, that is, they are bad debtors. There are always price fluctuations that make customers complain because they don’t want to accept new prices.

What measures have you taken against defaulters?

I do not give items on credit unless I am dealing with a reputable client.

There are other challenges that I face, such as having losses, insecurity because the business is not insured because it is expensive. I am also overworked.

Have you seen any benefits for the business?

Yes, I can get money to support the family and at least have a minimum wage.

What inspires you to come to work every day?

I want to make a living and look to the future.

Do you have any tips or suggestions for someone who wants to get into this business?

Yes. Individuals must conduct extensive market research; know the site, the population, the price range of basic products, where to buy the products and the tastes and preferences of the anticipated customers. All of this early legwork helps determine the success of the business.

How do you balance work and family?

Sunday is strictly a family day and when I close early, I have some time for the kids.

Do you have any last words for someone out there?

Earnings in this business are minimal so care should be taken when using them.

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