Tours Travel

Planner or File Tickler (1-31)? – How to use both for optimal professional and personal productivity

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A question that often comes up in workshops, as well as on my blog, is this: How do you suggest people use their calendar (planner) in conjunction with tickler files (1-31)? Sometimes I wonder if I am duplicating my efforts using a calendar and tickler files. It seems like the tickler file is a good place to keep documents that accompany tasks, but there still seems to be some redundancy when I prioritize my to-dos that are in paper form and daily tasks on my calendar. What are your thoughts in this area?

First of all, there is no perfect tool or perfect system. There are countless options available and each of us has to figure out which tool (or combination of tools) will work for us. So this answer is based on my experimentation with the two main tools that the previous question refers to: a scheduler and a tickler filesystem.

For many years, I was the planning queen and only I used my tickle file as the place to store the physical items that I would need on any given day, but not really to remind me to get things done. I always put reminders on my schedule as tasks for that day (on the Priority Daily To Do List, or PDTL, in Franklin Covey’s language).

Then, I tried using the tickler file as my main reminder and moved away from using a to-do list that much … even though I was still using a scheduler; this is the time period that I found redundancy as well. And frankly, redundancy is better than letting things get lost.

Julie Morgenstern, author of many books, including Never check email in the morning (and other unexpected strategies to make your work life work Y Organizing from the Inside Out, 2nd Ed .: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Office, and Life It says that what we have to do is “anchor” our systems. In her book she says,

“The real key to finding information is having only one place to look. However, establishing some consistency in your information management system is challenging because there are many media to work with (paper files, computer documents, email , voicemail, handwritten notes, business cards. When a document can be found in multiple locations, you are likely to have trouble accessing the information when you need it. To avoid confusion, anchor your organization system in document files. paper or computer, depending on what makes the most sense for your job and what is most comfortable for you. While some jobs are 90 percent computer, 10 percent hard copy, others are the opposite. Do whatever is most natural for you. “

I love the concept of “anchoring” your system … and doing what is most natural for you. You can apply the concept of ‘anchor’ to 1-31 / Jan-Dec (tickler file) and the calendar / planner conundrum. Anchor your system in one place or another, whatever seems most natural to you.

Anchoring the system in your planner: This means that you will put all your appointments and tasks on your agenda, along with descriptive information, as needed. Then the attached materials (or the document indicating exactly where they are) can be in your file 1-31. Since your system is anchored in your planner (whether paper or electronic), as you get into your day, take a look at what you’ve included on your Prioritized Daily To Do List (PDTL) and then pull out all the materials. in the tickler slot of the day. If, by any chance, you have left something in your tickler file that you have not yet included in your PDTL, then you add it now.

Next, you take a look at your entire day, including appointments, etc., and then prioritize what your tasks are for the day. Some people use a numbering system; others use a combination of letters and numbers (A1 is a very high priority and the first you will do; B2 is important and will be the second you do in group B, after completing all your “A” tasks). If you arrive at a task (or appointment) and need some attachments, you have them ready in your tickle file.

Pinning the system to the tickler file: You will find your “Next Action” sheets, your project sheets, agendas, documents you need to work with, etc. everything in your tickler file, and you’ll use it as a way to remind yourself what to do. Every morning (or the evening before), when you get everything out of the file, you’ll prioritize what you need to do, based on the time available and the urgency / importance of the item. You will organize your day by tidying up your project sheets, documents, or other physical reminders, or by making a ‘to-do’ list from items that have now been reminded of you after seeing what is hidden in your tickler file.

Experiment with both systems and see which is a better “anchor” for you. And remember, you can always change your mind if the way you are doing something doesn’t work for you, or you get tired of doing it.

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