Digital Marketing

Own your own online affiliate marketing business

Posted by admin

Owning your own affiliate marketing business is the dream of many people, from all walks of life, both young and old. People who dream of owning their own business often dream of that alluring, wonderful, and tempting dream, the dream of being their own boss: the dream of being financially independent is very real to them. The luxurious dream of not having to live paycheck to paycheck, ever again. The almost real dream of not having to get up every morning, at a supernatural hour: five or six days a week. Unfortunately, in reality, it will always remain a dream unless people take action.

Many people just dream of not having to go to work and face their boss, who they just don’t like: and their normal routine. Their routine is usually the same old familiar routine, soul-destroying, spirit-crushing; which, depending on where in the world you live, is worse during the winter months. It’s the dreaded routine of having to get up in the morning, when it’s still dark: then when you come home at night, you find it’s still dark again. That is the routine that constantly wears you down; and slowly but surely kills people over the years.

Unfortunately for many people, who have no other options, this is the reality of their daily work life, and it always will be unless they take action and change that routine. That exhausting, life-sucking, mind-numbing, daily routine that destroys your happiness; and sometimes his very soul. His routine of getting up, getting out of bed and taking a shower, hastily eating breakfast, downing a quick coffee; then running off, perhaps, in the rain or snow, to the dreaded daily commute, of perhaps an hour or more in heavy traffic.

Ask yourself if your own routine of getting to your ‘work’; And, for the next eight hours, being at the beck and call of your boss, is that really what you want to settle for? This, for five or six days, each and every one of the weeks; And for maybe the next forty or fifty years: for the rest of your life, until you die? I ask this because there is a much more attractive and much, much more lucrative alternative: but unless you do something about it and take action, nothing will change!

Given the harsh truths above, it’s no wonder so many people’s minds yearn for the freedom that owning their own online business can bring. Well guess what, for those people who don’t have a ‘slave mentality’; For those who dream of living life on their own terms and not having to answer to their boss, they can. Because, with the advent of the new online digital economy, freedom is yours. Freedom now awaits people like you.

For those who possess an entrepreneurial spirit and are willing to invest in themselves and learn, there are now online business opportunities such as buying and selling: or affiliate marketing, which allows people who fit the above description work from the comfort of their own homes. Affiliate marketing can allow you to travel; and, being able to work from your own kitchen table, or from anywhere in the world. You can even work from the beach if you want (and weather permitting).

Yes, there are some people who will hesitate and start thinking about the responsibilities of owning their own business. About how they could manage to do all the different jobs that owning their own business will bring? I know that scares the hell out of a lot of shy people! There are some people who lack courage and tend to shy away from even the very thought of owning their own business: mainly because of all the different skills involved!

Those fears are unfounded, kick them out, they should not be allowed to stop you from owning your own business. The main culprit behind those fears is past mental conditioning that we have all experienced for most of our past lives. To give you an example of this, let’s say, if I ask you this question, ‘Can you finish this old familiar saying?’, ‘If you want something done right, ‘di dah de dah di dah’”. I bet it is very likely that you can give me the correct answer; Because, as most of us know, we’ve been taught that the final words in this sentence are “do it yourself.”

This saying was credited to Charles-Guillaume Etienne, who was a 19th century French writer. Since then, it has been broadcast over and over again; ad nauseam, by well-meaning parents, coaches, gurus, and anyone else in the world who teaches self-reliance. For more than two hundred years he has been swallowed, without thinking twice, and transmitted by his disciples: also by his sons, his followers and his minions. We’ve all been mentally conditioned to accept as true the old adage that “if you want something to go right, you have to do it yourself.”

At best, this is suspect advice because when you think about that saying, it’s probably some of the worst advice that has ever become a universal cliché. Especially since, unless you’re an absolutely excellent expert at that particular “something” he needs to do, how can you be sure he’ll have the necessary skills to “do it right”? when you try to do it yourself?

Most human beings are highly proficient in just a handful of skills. So, for the 99.999% of those “somethings” that you want to do well, isn’t it better to find someone to do it for you? Someone who is truly highly skilled and very talented at whatever it is you want to do: and definitely not keep slaving away, trying to do it yourself.

In the new global digital economy, there are people who make a full-time living working online, people you can hire to do whatever you need. For example, let’s say you need someone to write great copy for you; or, to design and build a high converting website and make sure your site is optimized so it will rank high in search engine results.

There are many hundreds of other ‘things’ you might need to do; but, on the plus side, there are literally thousands of highly-skilled experts online competing for our business who will do those ‘some things’ for us – starting at as little as $5.00. Therefore, when “hired help” is available at a very low price, it is not very smart to try to do these things yourself. You should stick to doing the things you are really good at.

There are some really great online businesses that work from home; which, if you are willing to work, will earn you a very good income and give you the freedom to live life on your own terms. A life that can bring you great financial rewards and allow you time to travel the world and meet new people. People who have the same entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial mindset as you. You don’t have to do everything yourself, in fact, it’s not very smart to even try.

One of the misconceptions people have about owning your own business is that you need to have a lot of start-up capital to be able to do it: well, a misconception is exactly what it is, a misconception, a misunderstanding. Because you definitely do NOT need a lot of cash to get started on the road to owning your own business, giving you your own freeing, liberating and highly profitable business – in fact, you can start for less than $50. You don’t have to try either. do everything yourself; there are very successful people who are willing to guide you, train you and virtually ‘hold your hand, on the path to financial freedom’.

It will pay good dividends to think about all the “things” you may currently be struggling to do for yourself, that you really should be delegating to someone else. Imagine, if you owned your own online business today, ask yourself, would you follow that dubious 19th century advice, “If you want something done right, do it yourself?” Just take a look at the list below.

  • Create products to sell.
  • Supply of products to sell
  • generating traffic
  • traffic conversion
  • Telephonic sales
  • Customer service
  • Web-page design
  • business accounting
  • tax returns
  • staff payroll

WOW! I don’t know about you, but I have a mental image of someone in a circus, running around, desperately trying to keep those plates spinning, on top of the bamboo poles. How many people would have the necessary skills, or time, to efficiently handle the above ten tasks: very few, I would imagine.

However, you can have someone do all of those things for you; And, that’s what you should be looking for, when you think about owning your online business. That, and for the smallest possible initial cash outlay and the ability to automate your own business, to free up your time, so you can enjoy the money you’re making. That’s what you should be looking for when you start thinking about owning your own online business. You should only try to learn from people who are more successful than you; and, then you can really start living your dream.

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