
Online articles provide free traffic with the intent to buy or act now

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Why write articles for article publishing sites?

There are so many ways to promote your websites, I really don’t think anything has been more effective for me than submitting articles that don’t get posted on online article publishing and distribution websites. What I have found is that for it to be effective, you have to understand why you are writing the article. You also need to maintain a steady stream of articles, at least a few per week, to really notice the effects.

Focus on a problem and a solution

For example, if you have a website that sells pet products, you are probably interested in pets. You can write about a problem pet owners face and a simple solution that has worked for you, a friend, or one of your clients. Of course, this solution should lead to your resource box where you promote that specific solution as a reason to visit your own website. If commercial flea prevention products irritate your dog’s skin and you sell a natural product developed for sensitive skin, you can mention it. Be sure to link to your website with keywords that are targeted to the product or solution you want your visitor to be interested in.

Keep going

What I find is that it really helps if I know that my problem/solution topic is already something that visitors search for when they visit my website. Of course, I want to spend a fair amount of time developing those ideas that I already know work. However, I always want to keep growing and make a website that solves even more problems and therefore attracts more visitors. Maybe you want to try new ideas, or I’ve done some research and think I have a good idea for a new section of my site.

What all internet marketers know is that all ideas just don’t work. Maybe my research didn’t work, or maybe the topic is already very competitive. So it’s very important for me to try different things. When I find ideas that appeal to netizens, I want to repeat them. But I always want to spend some of my time trying more ideas.

Why do most people fail?

I don’t think people fail when they promote their website because they are not good. Most internet marketers will tell you that a very high percentage of products don’t really work as expected. The network is very competitive. I would estimate my own failure rate to be very high, probably around 75%! However, because I spend a high percentage of time on ideas that work, and then some time on new ideas, I have my share of success!

I think most people fail because they don’t try. They build a website, based on an idea that they think is good. Then they can submit an article or two, get a little traffic, make no sales, and then give up. Does this sound like your experience? If so, instead of giving up, you should go out and analyze your target market and then try some new leanings on your basic idea. It can be very difficult to compete in a term like pet foodbut you can drive wonderful visitors to your website to a more specific term like Organic food for older dogs. In Internet marketing, this is called going after the long tail I guess that’s why I thought of pets as an example!

how can you make it work

It would be the subject of another article to discuss how to do the proper research, but if you don’t know how, look into finding niche topics. The wonder of the internet is that there are already plenty of free articles out there to tell you what you need to know to get started! Then, with experience, you will become an article marketing professional.

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