Lifestyle Fashion

Natural Cures For Vaginal Yeast Infections – Learn How To Banish Yeast

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Vaginal yeast infections are the result of an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a natural fungus in our bodies. Certain conditions within our bodies create an environment for this fungus to grow and thrive. Some of the common symptoms are a cheesy white discharge, excruciating itching and burning, and redness of the infected area. Every person is different and so are the treatments. Let me tell you about some natural cures for vaginal yeast infections.

  1. Eat yogurt. Contains bacteria (live cultures, such as acidophilus and bifidus) that fight yeast. Applying it topically with an application using a tampon works best. Be sure to only use plain yogurt with active cultures.
  2. Shower with a solution of 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Repeat every day while your symptoms occur, do not continue this treatment for more than a week.
  3. Cut down on sugary foods. Sugar is the food yeast craves the most.
  4. Use garlic cloves as a suppository. Garlic has a fantastic array of antifungal agents. Peel a fresh clove, wrap it in gauze, and insert it into your vagina.
  5. Gentian violet is a traditional remedy for yeast and other infections, and can be found in most drug stores. Change the infected area once or twice a day. Use a very thick pad for application as it makes a lot of mess and stains everything it comes in contact with.
  6. Another great natural remedy is an herbal douche. Combine equal parts sage, raspberry, and confrey with 1/4 part goldenseal. Combine this with cider vinegar.

Combating an overgrowth of Cadida albicans may take a few tries to figure out what works best for your body. Don’t get frustrated if one natural cure for a yeast infection doesn’t work, just try another, keep going until you find the best one for your body.

Now pay close attention…

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