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Modern Man – How To Attract Women – Any Type

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Attracting women is something that some men seem to be able to do effortlessly. Is this because they are more handsome, have more money, or drive a better car? No, these men know how to attract women without seeming desperate, they know what women want and they make sure to show it.

Attracting women isn’t just about how a man looks, but it doesn’t hurt to have a cohesive appearance. Wearing matching clothes is a start for most men. You don’t have to go out and buy designer suits, just combine clean, wrinkle-free clothes and you’ll be fine. Keeping your hair clean and facial hair trimmed, as well as showering regularly, will help you present a clean and well-organized image. Getting in shape is also a good idea. A lot of women don’t mind if their man gets a bit of a beer belly after being together for a while, but I’m pretty sure you’ve never heard a woman rave about the way your belly hangs over your belt.

Making yourself accessible to women also helps attract them. If you are arrogant or snobbish, overbearing and bossy women will definitely not be attracted to you. Being nice to everyone, smiling, and helping will make women feel that you are a good guy as well as attractive. This will attract them for sure.

Being active and involved in something will attract women. This includes sports, volunteering, and the arts. Just about anything you are interested in and enjoy doing will put you in a good mood, which will be reflected in all your behavior. This will make you much more attractive to women than sitting around looking bored and wishing you were anywhere but where you are.

There’s no secret formula for attracting women, but there are certain things you probably don’t want to do if you’re trying to get a woman’s attention.

Bodily functions are not funny, nor are they acceptable in social situations. So save your burping and farting contests for when you’re just hanging out with the guys.

Don’t treat women like they’re disposable. If you are with a woman and you notice another woman, don’t flirt with her. She will not be attracted to you for disrespecting the women you are with. She knows that you will do the same with her.

Drinking until you’re too drunk to speak properly doesn’t attract a woman, women would rather know that they won’t have to babysit you every time you go out.

An uncontrolled dirty mouth and saying things that would make a sailor blush don’t usually attract a woman. She will think that she lacks too much intelligence to find a better vocabulary to express herself.

So do your best and you shouldn’t have any problem attracting women.

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