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MLM Tips: Ninja Article Marketing Technique For Internet Network Marketers

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We all hear that content is king. In order for you to get some traffic to your business and really pick up steam, article marketing is definitely one of the most important traffic tools you want to master.

Why write articles anyway?

In short, article marketing is the only successful and consistent way to get internet traffic without paying for it. The best thing is also that article marketing works, and with the changes in Google, it is still the most trusted source out there.

The reason why articles are so effective when it comes to promoting and marketing your business is because articles provide that one-stop solution to the many different problems that you and your prospects may face on a daily basis. Another reason articles are so effective is because search engines love them. The way to get to the top of the keyword you are trying to rank for is to continue writing relevant content that your prospects can use to help them solve their problem.

So what is the technical ninja?

Most people in your target market have a Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube account. So what most people don’t realize or don’t do is you can connect your social media accounts and start syndication.

For example:

You can connect your YouTube channel to your twitter and you can link your twitter to your Facebook. All of these websites rank very high in the eyes of Google and you post

So when you create a piece of content, make a quick YouTube video about your content. It doesn’t have to be long; you can just put up a video saying you just wrote a new article and then make sure all your social networks connect via YouTube and BAM. You have a YouTube, Twitter and Facebook link which is a great way to boost your lead stream.

With social media it is very easy to get your content noticed by the masses, all you have to do is put in the work and write your first piece of content. By the way, my name is Gloria Ward and I am a marketing trainer and teacher. For more cool techniques on how to grow your internet network marketing business, check out my signature file below.

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