
love does not exist

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This is one of the most difficult questions in the history or existence of mankind.

There is no rational answer to this.

Morality, lust, romance, chemistry, attachment can often lead someone to say that they are in love. Some say love exists, maybe I haven’t found it yet, but even if I do, what happens in the long run?

Billions of people around the world are asking this very question. Millions will or will not agree with my philosophy.

Love in a relationship does not exist.

The only love that truly exists in this whole wide world is the love of the Parents.

Nothing in this world can beat the love of parents.

The love that a mother and father have for their offspring is inevitable and unconditional.

Parents love their children until they die, no matter if they fight or something, that love will always be there.

Only 3 percent out of 100 could stop loving their children and this could be due to some circumstances or what the child has done to them.

I say that love does not exist in a relationship, if you say that love exists, then I have a question for you. Can you buy love?… my own answer is yes.

Money is one of the most powerful things on earth, show some women money and they are all yours, they immediately fall in love with you and will probably tell you that they knew they will meet the love of their life and will probably tell you how much they love you.

On the other hand, men also tend to fall for a sophisticated woman, all they need to do is stay, show affection, tell her what she wants to hear, by doing that, their mission is slowly succeeding. This is a real fact, money buys love.

Is love just a chemical solution in our mind that helps us choose a sexual partner or is it just a mystical force that guides us towards our potential partner?

Love means different things to different people. Sometimes the word love blows away potential partners.

People tend to confuse attention, affection, chemistry and, above all, care with love.

In any form of relationship I would say that you don’t care about love.

If love really exists in a relationship, why do people separate or get divorced?

When people break up with their partner, they say that they have fallen out of love or that the relationship is not working. But most will still say that they still care about them, but they’re not in love anymore, and there goes my question again, did love exist in the first place?

Love should be forever because it comes from the heart, it should never fade, I would say you find real love in the older generation, you see couples who have been married for over 60 years, and probably 20 percent have real love.

Some people will say they would do anything for love, in my terms I would say they would do anything because they care. You could do anything for your partner in a relationship, but that doesn’t guarantee a lasting relationship, don’t get me wrong, when people in a relationship tell each other that they love each other, it opens the door to happiness and also reduces stress, anxiety and the concern

Sometimes when a partner says I love you, some people tend to reply I love you too just to make the other person feel good. If a man doesn’t tell her I love you, he will most likely lose that woman, or it will always bring friction between the couple because she will start to have doubts, negative thoughts and think that maybe the guy is seeing someone else or having an affair. foreign affair.

Some say love isn’t forever, you make it work, this should be a relationship it’s not forever, you make it work.

You care a lot and that’s not love.

The reasons people say they fell out of love is because there was no love in the first place, or they say love died because expectations weren’t met.
There is nothing like love at first sight, it is lust and attraction at first sight. Because you don’t even know the other person’s personality, some people tend to get blinded by lust and attraction.

Because they are already attracted to and in love with the other person, they neglect their behavior and personality, and in the long run, the attraction slowly fades and then they end up breaking up or they start living in mystery.

If love really existed, why is it that after some so-called lovers break up, they start hating each other or can’t bear to see each other?

Above all, the only true and lasting love that never fades is the love of parents.

In the relationship it is Care and not Love.

People tend to say it’s love, but that’s because they care so much about their partner.

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