Lifestyle Fashion

Liscio Japanese straightening system – Is it the best?

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The best Japanese straight perm is the one made in Japan. These would be Liscio and Yuko. Although there are a few other manufacturers of hair straighteners, I would not recommend using them, because the reviews on them are few, if any. If you can’t get a review for the product by doing a simple Google search, don’t risk it. Here’s a bit more about Liscio.

Liscio’s thermal reconditioning hair straightening system has a good reputation and will make your hair look shiny and healthy. You will be able to handle it better and it will look naturally beautiful.

If you have curly or wavy hair that is resistant to straightening, then Liscio can help. It all depends on the stylist who is applying the chemicals. You can have the best product in the world, but if you choose a cheap and inexperienced stylist, you risk severely damaging your hair. Let your stylist examine your hair and see if it is healthy enough to withstand the application. You will also get a rough idea of ​​how long the procedure will take.

Virgin hair and hair that has been previously processed use two different types of systems. Make sure your stylist is using the correct products on your hair. Before treating your hair, add Keratin and Collagen to your hair, to leave it in a healthier state.

Your stylist should use a ceramic hair straightener to flat iron your hair. This technique restructures the hair texture, heating each strand of hair for about 3 seconds. The chemicals penetrate into the core of the hair follicle, which makes the hair straight.

In general, you will be satisfied with the Liscio Japanese hair straightening system, if it is applied by the right stylist. Be sure to follow any aftercare instructions given to you by your stylist to achieve the best results.

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