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Leadership Skill Development: The Six Measures of Leadership Development

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The wealth of experience and knowledge accumulated in value-based businesses is extraordinary. The entire business is aligned and integrated with its Mission, Vision and Values. All of its systems, policies and processes are built on this solid foundation.

Leadership skills development is business-based and fits into the small business plan. In this way, it demonstrates consistency with the best practices in the world. Successful business owners maintain excellence in everything they do by building the pursuit of excellence into the very fabric of the business.

Individual effort, team effort, and companies exhibit laser focus and a unique mindset in execution. Everything is integrated and aligned. Everything is subsumed to the belief system of the company, as explained in the fundamental elements of Mission, Vision and Values.

Day-to-day business activities and initiatives provide a return on leadership skill development, executive leadership training, and business career development in the form of superior human resources and measurable results in better client outcomes.

Leadership skills development is a proven product. In today’s world, business success can be measured in inches. You just have to compare the business that makes this investment in its people with one that does not.

There are six key measures that demonstrate superior value.


When you invest in your people and show them that you value their effort, they go the extra mile. The value-based business creates value in its people. Talent is attracted to a business that creates meaning and purpose for them. The business becomes a cause for them. Value-based business attracts energetic students and employees. This energy translates into action and positive results. Integrated and aligned company culture produces positive results and seizes and enhances opportunities that increase productivity gains in all areas of the company.

Results oriented

The business that invests in its people is managed through clearly defined objectives, projects, and goals that are spelled out in the small business plan and then cascaded into team plans and individual work plans. The ethos is characterized by everyone assuming personal responsibility, accountability, self-management and self-correcting actions. These qualities of good leadership are worth their weight in gold. Non-compliance is easily detected and can be addressed quickly. The whole business and the achievement of its goals are at the forefront of everyone’s mind in this type of environment, and it manifests itself in better results and financial results.

Increased entrepreneurial capacity by generating new ideas

In the value-based business, everyone is on a fast learning path. This is accomplished by managing goals and completing projects. The ideas that arise in such an environment are amazing. Everyone is coming up with new ways of doing things because evaluation of project progress and completion is continuous. Small marginal improvements, knowledge of mistakes and embryonic thoughts are integrated into a new service development or product range. Today’s value-based business thrives on these new ideas, and even when they are rejected, it relies on an integrated and aligned overall approach.


Employees in the value-based business feel like they belong. They own the place; they own the brand. They are proud to be a part of a vibrant and exciting business. This fairness is demonstrated by the quality of the conversations between people. Leadership in these types of settings is seen as a function of stepping up when something needs to be done and not of a position or title that someone has. Leadership is a choice you make, not a position you achieve.

Practical skills

Managing goals and accomplishing projects teaches practical skills. From landing a major new contract to orienting a new employee to a little marketing exercise, everyone has within them the ability to develop very practical skills in employees.

Dealing with people, logistics, marketing, sales, distribution, product development, leadership, management tasks, planning, customer relations, the list goes on and on, it’s endless.

In the values-based business environment, the development of practical skills is a key measure.

Innovative responses

The value-based business environment is a hothouse of innovation. Innovation is simply the speed at which a new idea for a deliverable product or service emerges in the field.

Successful companies achieve this return on their investment leadership skills development faster than anyone else. The fundamental platforms are in place; return on investment is assured.

They are always thinking about the following. They are future oriented and never allow themselves to rest on their laurels.

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