Legal Law

I am afraid that my husband will leave me: tips and advice that can help

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I recently received a rather heartbreaking email from a wife who felt that in the next few days her husband was going to leave her. The two simply did not get along due in part to the stress of their financial situation. They were both desperate, but the wife was willing to stick it out and work on the marriage, and her husband was not. He had been alluding to packing up and leaving. She suspected that he would immediately file for divorce soon after that.

The wife was beside herself. She stressed that she “could not live without” her husband and she did not know how she could survive without her love and support. She was trying to come up with a plan to convince him to stay. But she was meeting a lot of resistance. She had tried to reason with him. She had tried to debate. She had tasted guilt. And recently, he watched her begging. Basically, she told me that she was willing to “do whatever it takes” to keep him from walking out the door.

She wanted my advice on what might work best to convince him not to leave her. I will tell you what I told him in the following article.

Even if you are afraid that he will leave you, do not let the fear take you: I have to get this out of the way and just say it. Fear is not a trait that is generally perceived as attractive. The truth was, this wife had already put her cards on the table numerous times. She had made it very clear that she didn’t want to live without her husband and she wasn’t sure she could. So, she went on to tell him that this was no more likely for her to get him home than her previous numerous attempts.

I honestly felt that the despair and fear he was wearing on his sleeve was only making his situation worse. I talk to so many men in this situation and they almost always tell me that this type of behavior just wants them to go away that much faster.

When I told the wife this, she replied, “Well, do you think I should play hardball then and tell him to go away if that’s what he wants to do? Because I’m not sure I can pull it off because him going away is my worst case scenario.” No, that wasn’t actually what she was suggesting. Because this strategy will also provoke the negative emotions and reactions that you want to avoid.

Instead, you want to focus on the things that will bring you some relief and some positive emotions. You have to set him up to draw him in rather than push him away with tactics that will only make him want to run away from the situation.

It is better to appear rational and be in control: I know this can be difficult, but the best thing you can do is change your tactics and try to be rational and non-threatening so that they no longer need to continue to avoid or frustrate you. And I felt the wife needed to take the first step in giving her husband a glimpse of her new tactic. Yes, she was going to talk about him leaving her. But she was going to do it in a new way.

He wanted her to sit quietly and tell him that she suspected he was considering leaving. Then she would ask if there was anything she could do to improve the situation. I also strongly suspected that the husband was going to continue to resist and claim that it was too late and there was nothing she could do.

However, instead of answering like she always did, she wanted him to show some restraint. And instead of starting her speech about how she couldn’t live without him and how bad it was for him to leave, she wanted her to just say that even though she was very sorry to hear that, she just wanted things to get better between now and then. they. If she needed some time and space for that to happen, so be it. She shouldn’t get angry or desperate. He just wanted her to state the facts and seem empathetic.

Basically, he wanted her to make it clear that she just wanted them both to be happy, preferably together. He wanted her to leave the impression that she wasn’t going to fight him anymore. Yes, this could be scary and risky. But the reason we do this is because it allows us to have more access to them (which we badly need) during this process.

And over the next few days, we’re going to move slowly and use this to our maximum benefit. The real goal is not to try to talk him into something he’s not receptive to right now. The real goal should be to change his perceptions so that he looks at you and the marriage in a completely different way at the end of this process. You need to show him your strong, rational, and relaxed side instead of the needy and desperate one right now.

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