
Husky biting: the 2 best ways to stop it

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This article offers the 2 best ways to stop husky bites. The following instructions are actual methods that true husky owners have used to prevent them from biting. Each husky has a different personality and character and you should keep this in mind when implementing these strategies. If your husky does not respond to any of these methods, do not proceed with him. In no way should you physically harm your husky.

Your husky’s temperament

Huskies are by nature one of my least aggressive breeds. It is completely out of the question for a husky to be aggressive towards people. If so, there is a possibility that this behavior was learned from another breed of dog.

They are more likely to bite what is considered “play biting” or “biting.” Just because your husky is only playing in his mind doesn’t mean he can’t cause serious harm to people or other dogs. Husky puppies have a habit of nipping and it is a good idea to end this behavior early so that it does not lead to more damaging bites.

Use of voice and body language

If your husky does bite or bite, you need to let them know that the behavior is totally unacceptable. Your voice is a very effective tool to stop hoarse bites. By slightly raising your voice and saying ‘Do not bite’ or ‘No’ in a firm tone, you are conveying a message that you are not happy with their behavior. Along with this verbal communication, walk away from your husky as if you were disappointed. Hopefully your husky will pick up on the mistake of his ways and will approach you with kindness. If they do, then give your husky lots of positive praise. Be consistent with this method.

The crocodile method

Some huskies owners swear by this method. If your husky bites or bites you, gently close your mouth with your hands. Use your other hand to keep your body still. Keep his mouth closed while making sure your husky can breathe through his nose. Make sure to secure your husky’s body so he can’t fight or scratch you. When his mouth is closed, give a firm verbal command of “do not bite” or “NO”. Let go of your husky’s mouth and hopefully the behavior will stop. If the behavior continues, try this method up to a dozen times to see if the message is assimilated. If your husky is too big and is fighting you, this method may not be appropriate.

Get to the root of the problem

If you find that these two methods are not effective in preventing your husky from biting, there will be an underlying reason behind it. Separation anxiety is a common cause of dog bites, as well as digging and chewing. If after you’ve tried these methods, your husky is still biting, it might be worth investigating a bit more thoroughly why your husky has developed this behavior.

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