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How to use quantum physics to improve health

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Quantum physics

What is quantum physics? Now, in the 21st century, the secrets of the ancients are revealed in easy-to-understand language.

We are now in the Age of Aquarius. The age of science. everything is under the law.

What is the Age of Aquarius? It is a physical space in our Milky Way. This galaxy has a galactic sun around which our solar system revolves.

The main difference is one of time and scale. Our planet Earth moves around our sun in one year. Spend a month in each sign. Our entire solar system moves around the galactic sun in approximately 24,000 years. He spends 2000 years in each sign.

We as a people and as a solar system have never been to this part of the galaxy before.

We are in a completely new STEM (space-time-energy-matter) setting.

S (space) We, as a solar system, are in a completely different physical space in this galaxy. We have never been here before.

T (time) We have no idea how our man-made concept of time will be affected. But there will be a difference. For my part, I can feel that time as we know it is speeding up.

E (energy) Einstein tells us that E= MC squared. We have no idea at this time (less than 50 years after the Age of Aquarius) if this will hold in the future.

M (matter) This is the stuff our physical reality is made of. They are the things we use to create with our thoughts. We have consumed all the MATER (mother substance) allowed during the last 200 years. With it we have built the forms and functions of the Age of Pisces.

We are now in a STEM. position in the galaxy called Aquarius.

This new space in our Galaxy with its new STEM has given us our first two tools to use. The Laws of Quantum Physics and the Internet.

Quantum physics finally determines it. It tells us that all the energy in the universe, all the information about creation in the mind of God exists in an infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything is there. It exists there in a timeless/spaceless ocean of manifest substance.

The Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent and thinking substance.

There are divine blueprints in the quantum ocean for everything on the physical plane. There is a divine blueprint for perfect health.

Thoughts are things. Hold this thought in your mind and you will draw the energies of the quantum ocean into your aura.

What are we? We are souls within a body. We are actually non-physical. We are spiritual beings made of the same spiritual material that exists in the Quantum Ocean.

Since the Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking substance, we can connect and communicate with it — through thought.

It is our thoughts that, by the Law of Attraction, draw the building blocks that make up our reality out of the Quantum Ocean.

Once you change your thought from ill health to perfect health, the Divine Blueprint of Perfect Health will flow into your aura, flushing out all blocked energies that cause ill health.

Frenchman Coue’ said: “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

There are two magic words that open the doors of the Quantum Ocean for you. AM.

Every time you think, speak or write using these two magic words, you draw those real energies from the Quantum Ocean into your aura.

Whatever energies, vibrations or thoughts you allow into your aura, they will draw the same energies and vibrations to you from the Quantum Ocean. Law of attraction. I like to like What you think fills your aura.

Here is a great magical key affirmation to attract health, wealth and love now:

Several times a day, sit in your favorite chair, relax, and say to yourself:

“I am manifesting my Divine Blueprint for my perfect health from the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) now.”

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