
How to scare lizards away from your house

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Most people, especially women, are very allergic to lizards. These creatures can be seen climbing up the walls. In most cases, they do not cause any harm to the residents of a house. But if there are too many lizards in your house for one reason or another, you may want to do something to get rid of them. In this article, we will tell you how to drive these creatures out of your home without causing them any harm. keep reading

If you find food scraps in your home, remove them immediately.

Identify the places in your house where you often encounter lizards. They can be in a room, under furniture, or in corners.

Now, try to expose all the hidden places by rearranging the furniture and turning things around. This will make it harder for the lizards to hide.

To let the lizards out, you must open the doors or windows of your house. Now, chase the lizards out of your room through the windows. That is.

Tips to consider:

· Heat and food are good sources of attraction for lizards.

Approach lizards cautiously. They will enter the hiding places if they are alarmed.

· At night, the lizards are relatively more active and produce a screeching sound.

· Lizards are beneficial to your garden as they eat cockroaches which can cause damage to your plants.

· Killing lizards is not a good idea, since they are not harmful. They do not harm humans. When threatened, their bellies turn rust-colored or blue.

· Actually, lizards can be seen climbing walls and windows at night. They hunt insects attracted to light sources. Poisoning lizards is not recommended, as very few types of lizards are dangerous.

· Lizards feed on insects. So if you are trying to get rid of bugs in your house, they can help you with this.

· When you are watering your garden, you should leave a small stream of water on a wall so that the lizards drink water. It will be an incredible sight.


· Do not try to catch a lizard by the tail, as it will come off.

· It is not recommended to poison lizards as the poison can spread.

Once a lizard’s tail is shed, it will take several months for it to grow back.

Hopefully these tips will help you. If you are too allergic to lizards to kick them out of your home, you can call pest controllers for help.

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