
How to prevent bed bugs

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Bed bugs were once thought to be gone forever, but they have made an incredible comeback in the last 10 years. The main reason is that they are no longer successfully controlled with traditional synthetic pesticides. To successfully deal with these bloodsuckers, you need an all-natural product that they cannot become resistant to.

There are two ways to view bed bugs: prevention and treatment. Prevention is doing what you can do to avoid an infestation, and treatment means you need to control an infestation. By definition, a confirmed infestation means that you have located 2 or more adult bed bugs and / or see evidence of them in 2 or more locations. It may not seem like much to be considered an infestation, but these are hidden experts, so seeing two means there are many more. Also, 2 of these uncontrolled monsters can turn into 4,000 in about a month!

Prevention is key, so let’s talk about that.

To get started, you will need a safe, “green”, all-natural pest control product that is effective in controlling bed bugs. Be sure to choose products with clear instructions that are NOT SYNTHETIC PESTICIDE CHEMICALS. You will be using these products on yourself and in your home and you DO NOT want to be exposed to chemical toxins!

Before entering a vulnerable place, such as a hotel room, public transportation, a public seating area (theater), doctor’s office, school, or even visiting family members.

• Lightly spray your favorite all-natural pest control product directly onto your person and clothing. Choose products without stains or residues that dry transparent.

• Lightly spray your favorite all-natural pest control product directly onto luggage and belongings.

• If staying in a hotel room, thoroughly inspect ALL layers of bedding and lightly spray your favorite all-natural pest control product, up to the mattress, then under / behind the headboard and artwork above bed.

• Spray all luggage and belongings with your favorite all-natural pest control product before traveling home.

• Before entering your home, lightly spray yourself and your clothing with your favorite all-natural pest control product.

• Thoroughly inspect all new purchases of clothing, furniture, accent pillows, imported purchases for bed bugs and lightly spray with your favorite all-natural pest control product. This is especially important when items are purchased second-hand, at thrift stores, or at garage / yard sales.

Not bringing bed bugs home will prevent an infestation. Follow these steps using your favorite all-natural pest control product and put your mind at ease!

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