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How To Do It Yourself – Water Damage Cleanup

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While hurricanes and floods are the cause of thousands of water damage claims each year, water damage is not limited to the wrath of storms. Broken pipes, clogged water lines, overturned water heaters, overflowing toilets, and automatic fire sprinklers also cause their fair share of flooding. Not only do you have to prevent the water from flowing, you also have to clean it. Where to start? Here are some suggestions.

First, it is important to shut off the water to minimize water damage. This could be as simple as reaching behind the toilet and turning off the valve, or as complicated as locating the main water shutoff valve in the house. Take the time now, before a flood, to locate the main shutoff valve and learn how to shut off the water. This valve is usually located outside the house in a utility box. Contact your water utility if you cannot locate it.

While you’re at it, find out where your home’s electrical fuse box or circuit box is located and learn how to safely turn off the power to your home. Water and electricity are a deadly combination. Depending on the nature of the flood, you may need to turn off certain areas of the house or the entire building.

Once you’ve turned off the water and electricity, you can start cleaning. If the water continues to leak, take preventive measures. For example, if the flood occurred upstairs and water seeps through the floor into the room below, place containers underneath to catch the water if possible, or cover the rug with a tarp and place towels on top to soak up the water. If the roof is sagging, it means that water is collecting there. It will eventually burst or leak. Once the floor is protected, make small holes in the roof and release the water.

Clean the water damaged area with absorbent sponges or a wet/dry vacuum (if safe to do so). Remove as much excess water as possible. Move the furniture from the damaged area and dry it completely. If the upholstery is damaged, remove the cushions, use absorbent sponges to absorb as much water as possible, and place them outside to dry.

If the walls are affected, remove the paintings and put them in a safe place. You may need to remove the wallpaper and rewallpaper the walls once everything has dried due to mold problems.

Open the doors and windows if there is a dryer outside to help remove moisture and speed up the drying process. It is essential to dry the area completely to reduce the possibility of mold growth.

Now that you’ve completed the basic cleaning, you have a few phone calls to make. Call your insurance agent to see if the damage is covered and your local water restoration company to help with repairs.

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