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How can listing my business on a social networking site increase traffic to my business?

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When it comes to your business, online marketing is no longer an option. Social networks provide you with backlinks for sites that Google indexes. However, the seeker also counts +1 actions. If your link performs well on social media, it helps you rank higher in the search engine. It’s not just Google+ that Google considers, either. Before the arrival of Google’s own social network, the search engine counted the popularity of content shared on Facebook and Twitter.

If your video, meme, or link goes viral, it will only help increase your visibility on social media and search engines. Going viral generates more traffic, and if you’re writing about something that others find newsworthy, you might find an article about your website in the Huffington Post, The New York Times, or a local ABC affiliate.

With tools like TweetDeck or the Buffer App, you can schedule posts to go out on your social channels multiple times throughout the day. Using different text appeals to different parts of your demographic while posting multiple times ensures that you catch followers who operate on different schedules or in different time zones. Technology allows you to tackle social media without sacrificing too much time for the work you already do, and we all know how addictive Facebook can be!

Social media is also necessary when it comes to connecting with local consumers. Even though they may walk by your office every day, these potential customers may not give your sign a second glance. Social networks like Facebook and Google Business help consumers in the area discover your business, while you should consider listing local businesses to gain visibility to people who might be looking for you on social media, search engines, and websites. review like Yelp. Don’t forget about local social networking sites to increase traffic.

Listing your business on these sites doesn’t just make it easier for people to find you. Google uses contact information, website URLs, and even reviews of your business that are collected from these sites to populate search engine results pages with information about your business. If your URL is on those sites because you’ve put in the effort to add the correct information about your business. This information also appears in apps like Google Maps, which help you connect with mobile users who might be looking for your address specifically or just a business in the neighborhood that provides the products or services you offer.

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