
House Tidying Puppies – 3 Critical Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs

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Taming puppies isn’t hard…despite what you’ve heard. Believe it or not, when you use the right techniques, you can accomplish this task in 1 week or less.

But that’s assuming you don’t make the common mistakes most dog owners do. These are the most common mistakes people make and how to avoid them.

MISTAKE #1) Getting a HUGE box

Everyone wants their pet to like their new home. Therefore, they are given a huge box in which they can roam as they please.

The problem?

This can encourage them to urinate in their cage, because it’s easy for them to just walk somewhere else and sleep there. But if the box is small enough that this isn’t an option, they will “hold” until you let them out.

How small should it be?

I’m not saying “tighten” them there; you want them to have enough room to get up and turn around. just make sure it’s not big enough that they can avoid urine.

MISTAKE #2) Leaving them in the box for TOO LONG

When first starting out, never leave the house when you first introduce them to their new home. This is one of the biggest “housebreaking puppies” mistakes to avoid.

Let them get used to their new home on your terms. When we first got our dog, we left him home alone all day. When we got home he was going CRAZY.

Simply put them on for no more than 5 minutes the first time… and gradually increase from there.

MISTAKE #3) Not socializing them

If you are going to invite a large group of people, accept that they will go crazy at first. They will eventually calm down.

DO NOT put them in their cage and isolate them from everyone; This is the worst you can do. Dogs generally don’t like new people coming into their territory… but once they get to know them, it’s all good.

Just let them roam around and meet everyone and everything will be fine. Put these tips for “housekeeping puppies” into practice and you’ll have a well-trained canine in no time.

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