Tours Travel

Having a sexy picnic in bed is a great way to incorporate food and sex

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Have you ever wondered how famous tantric lovers were able to make love for hours and sometimes days? Being trained in the arts of ejaculation choice, full-body orgasm, and other techniques is only part of what it takes to enjoy extended sessions of lovemaking.

Traveling the sensual terrain of luscious and repeating orgasmic peaks and valleys requires knowledge of many practical details. Making love for hours or days includes periods of rest, snacks, and feeding. To enhance the entire lovemaking experience, one chooses foods that support and become part of sensual activities.

Picnics are fun, delicious and enjoyable dining experiences. Why not have a picnic in bed? Like any other picnic, carefully prepare all your food and drinks in advance. Contrary to popular belief, heavy foods and strong alcoholic beverages do not lead to prolonged sexual intercourse. Too many of those things can make you feel sluggish, numb your senses, and put you to sleep. The goal of a sensual experience is to be present, aware, and awake.

One of my favorite memories of a picnic in bed was in Hawaii, on a breezy night, listening to the waves wash over the beach outside our window. The atmosphere was peaceful but seductive with candles and sweet smelling plumeria next to our bed. My beloved came in naked with a platter of sushi, dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts, and slices of ripe pineapple. He placed the platter at the foot of the bed and proceeded to take a slice of there in his mouth and crawl on all fours from my feet to my lingham, pausing to tickle me, and he slid down to my lips to deposit my first bite. . . (Did I mention virgin coconut oil as a lubricant?). That night was filled with so much more than my picnic.

Washing and cutting beautifully prepared food bowls and platters, including fresh fruits and vegetables, is easy and fun to feed your lover. Try some fresh dill with gravy or crab meat, ginger chews, strawberry whipped cream, or raw cocoa. Take your time and savor every delicious moment. Smell, taste, feel the textures of your lover’s food, skin and lips. The lower part of the tenderloin can also be a great dish to serve any culinary delicacy …

By Baba Dez Nichols and Sedona Temple

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