Arts Entertainments

Google Pigeon Update: The Latest Algorithm Hit

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The end of July marked an update from Google to achieve all the accuracy and relevance related to local search results. Google didn’t directly hit the update as an algorithm change, but as a blog through Search Engine Land, the most popular SEO blog.

Every time there is an update, the SEO community automatically goes into a state of turmoil. The Pigeon update has been one of those recent updates. The update is meant to affect any business that has an e-commerce site. This will greatly change Google’s traditional web search results along with your Google Maps results.

How do I know if my business has been affected?

The first step for any algorithm update is to find out if the update has any relevance to my website. While your site may not be affected at all; for some sites this could be a disaster, some could benefit from it. E-commerce sites are not expected to be affected by these updates unless they have a physical store located.

Regular tracking of web analytics and search queries, along with top page reporting in Google Webmaster Tools after July 24, 2014, will essentially let you know the impacts on search queries and results. of the main pages.

Any sudden increase or decrease in the performance of your site, which is sudden and sharp on launch day compiled by a new performance level is a direct result of the success of a new algorithm. If your analyzes don’t reflect any such pattern, Pigeon hasn’t had its impact on you. You should take note of this update as it is a contributing factor to future algorithm changes.

These rankings can be further monitored in Webmaster Tools, with the use of search queries or homepage reports in Google rankings monitoring. This will help you determine changes in ranking positions, along with page rankings and keywords differently.

Before Paloma, there was a chance to ship, Pizza Hut and Dominos on Pizza IN Boise’s top ranking lists. However, after Pigeon, search results will be more results-oriented, with local listings featured at the top. Verified pizza restaurants that will have their presentation on Google’s own social network, Google+ will find a better presentation. Review, menu, and photo added to Google+ IDs will perform better.

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