Health Fitness

Five tips that help men stay healthy

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According to research in the United States, it is not enough for men to reduce their fat and cholesterol intake and increase their protein intake to stay healthy. Balanced supplementation of various nutrients is also important. To help men stay healthy, there are five tips for men to refer to.

The first tip is to avoid iron supplementation blindly. Only a few men can be attacked by iron deficiency. Therefore, it is not suitable for men to supplement iron by themselves blindly. If men are attacked by iron deficiency anemia, it can lead to the risks of chronic bleeding and hematopoietic dysfunction. It is necessary for men to look for the true causes of iron deficiency and treat diseases in time.

The second tip is to increase your intake of antioxidants. Antioxidants, especially vitamin E, can protect blood vessel walls from free radical attack to prevent cholesterol blockage and resist coronary heart disease. Men must often eat nuts, thick foods, fruits, and vegetables to supplement antioxidants.

The third tip is to supplement vitamin B6 and folic acid. Homocysteine ​​is a major factor that causes heart disease and stroke. Vitamin B6 and folic acid can break down homocysteine. Vitamin B6 is found primarily in chicken, fish, raw foods, and bean products, and folic acid is found in abundance in vegetables, bean products, and cereals.

The fourth tip is to supplement protein in a moderate amount. To build muscle, many men supplement with protein. In fact, various foods can supplement protein in our daily life. Men do not need to supplement extra protein. Excessive protein intake can only endanger physical health. Therefore, men should supplement protein in a moderate and scientific way.

The fifth tip is to supplement zinc. The content of zinc contained in trace elements within the human body is not high. But zinc is an important active component of the enzyme. It plays an important role in adjusting the immune system and accelerating growth. It is necessary for men to maintain a normal intake of seafood, lean meats, thick foods, and bean products to meet the body’s demand for zinc.

In short, to stay healthy, men shouldn’t supplement nutrients and increase protein intake blindly. Nutrient supplementation must be in accordance with specific physical conditions.

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