Health Fitness

Finding Your True “Core” Muscles to Improve Your Functional Fitness

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Are you really using all of your core muscles during your workouts?

Well, it’s time to discover the true “CORE” of Functional Fitness! Identifying your core muscles “is a very essential task to improve posture and achieve optimal fitness. By integrating the use of your core muscles into your training program, you will begin to notice less back pain, better posture, better strength, flexibility , mobility and body support, for an active and healthy life.

Functional Fitness is all about efficient movement clothing. Improving your body’s posture and support by strengthening your “core muscles” is one of the best places to start to improve whole-body health. Most people have the misconception that when they do sit-ups, they are already effectively strengthening their entire core by doing sit-ups and sit-ups. But this is not usually the case, because most of the time people pull and pull with their arms to help lift their head and shoulders off the ground, then the thighs come in and the pelvis folds, pressing the hips closer to each other. the rib cage and close the space needed to really use the core muscles to support the length of the torso while moving, which is really what true core strength is all about. And then …

Basic training isn’t just about abdominal work!

The abdominal muscles are just one aspect of effective core training. Basic training isn’t just about abdominal work! The abdominal muscles are only part of the equation! I continually hear people rant about core training, however they only work on the abs, and generally focus on the crunch / curl action of the Rectus Abdominis. In my opinion, this is the last muscle you should focus on to improve “core support” and achieve functional fitness. By finding and using all the true core muscles in your daily workouts, you can enjoy a strong and healthy torso with much less back pain! Functional fitness starts with a strong, healthy core!

So what are the true core muscles?

The Core is like a box. The pelvic floor is the floor of the core, while the upper part is the diaphragm. The transverse abs, internal and external obliques, and rectus abdominis are in front. And in the back, are our erector spinae and Multifidus muscles.

These muscles are the vital elements that we must focus on and strengthen. The core muscles are necessary for the support and stabilization of the spine, and they must also work and release properly for effective movement.

Have you ever noticed or experienced back pain after doing a lot of sit-ups or sit-ups? This may be because other core muscles that are needed for support and assistance are probably not being used effectively during exercise. You may not even be aware that these other core muscles exist, much less know how to find and use them correctly.

What muscles need to work to develop great core strength?

ALL core muscles (Pelvic floor, diaphragm, transverse abdominals, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae, and multifidus.) It must be incorporated into your exercise routine to develop great core strength. Find these muscles during your workouts, then use them in your daily activities to further reinforce strength, support, and functional movement for your daily tasks, sports, and games. Be more aware of each of your core muscles by focusing on them individually during your exercises. Ideally, all of these muscles should work together to support the body and prevent injury.

It is never too late! Now that you know what your true core muscles are, start incorporating exercises targeting each of them during your workouts. Finding balance with core training exercises and building all of these muscle groups will definitely strengthen core support for improved fitness, health, and well-being, and of course help you avoid back pain and other chronic injuries. .

Start taking positive steps to strengthen ALL of your core muscles. Find your core and discover how much more you will have the strength, power, and control to achieve better fitness and whole-body health.


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