
Enforce the prophecy

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The dignity of life is taking responsibility for your destiny. Your destiny is not in the hands of any man, but in the control of any man, but in your control. It is possible that various men of God have declared innumerable prophecies to him. To stop eating crumbs in any of your endeavors in life, you must take your responsibilities seriously. This implies that you must bring the words of God to prayers, this means making war with the words that you have heard.

“Timothy, my son, I entrust you with this commandment, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons to fight well and maintain your faith and a clear conscience” 1. Timothy 1:18 (TEV)

Prophecy, what is it?

Prophecy can be defined as the revealed plan or thought of God through an inspired man of God for the benefit of a person, group of people, country or nation. In other words, it means speaking from the mind of God as well as the counsel of God. Therefore, it implies speaking in the future about what God has declared in his words or by his prophets about you. He aligned his life with destiny when he spoke the word of God relevant to his situation. Prophecy is primarily a statement of that which is not known by the senses or known by natural means. He is speaking of the will of God for the present or the future. So, prophecy is a tool for resurrection, recovery, and restoration (Ezekiel 37: 1)

Enforce the prophecy:

You must believe: It is essential that you believe or trust the prophet of God and his words. When you declare what has been said about your present or future, you need to believe it and declare it, then you would see its manifestation.

Use faith: “And without faith it is impossible to please God …”

Know that it is not enough to believe in prophecy. You are expected to go one step further by “ACTING” what you believe so that you can enjoy its reality. Faith is the force that makes prophecy come true. Do you remember the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years? (Mark 5:28)

Activates the power of the tongue: “The tongue has the power of life and death …” PROVERBS 18:21

You must understand that your tongue is charged with power. Your tongue is anointed, so use it to maximize your advantage. Declare what you want. If you want to leave your current state, you must engage your mouth to utter your wishes. Declare your morning now.

He works diligently: “… if a man does not want to work, he will not eat.” 2 Thes. 3:10)

Your current profession or job is one avenue through which God can make the abundance prophecy come true. Diligence kills but laziness does.

Pray more: the prayer of a good person has a powerful effect. “

You can pray prophecies to manifest. When you work on your knees in prayer, you will bring forth your most fervent wishes. The place of prayer cannot be overemphasized. When you are consistent in your prayer life, you are spreading the ground for the manifestation of prophecies.

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