Digital Marketing

Earn Money Online – Set Goals and Achieve Them for Great Success

Posted by admin

Do you want to earn money online? You can, and creating your own successful home business is much easier than you think, if you have goals.

First, let’s consider what is possible. Stories abound of online newbies who have started a business and gone from zero to six figure income in a year. With goals, this is also possible for you: there are no limits to the money you can earn online.

How to set goals and achieve them

It all starts with the goals you set for yourself. Goals have specific attributes. They must be achievable, measurable and have deadlines.

So “Start a business from home” is not a goal, it’s an idea. However, “Write a business plan for my home business by ________ (on a specific date)” is a goal. You can measure it. You have either created a business plan for the specified date or you have not.

Write your goals where you can see them every day. I write my own goals into a program that displays them on my computer screen at two-hour intervals throughout the day. You can write them in a computer file, on a sticky note on the side of your monitor, or on a piece of paper pinned to a cork board; just make sure they are somewhere you can see them.

Enter due dates for all of your goals into a calendar schedule, with the specific steps you’ll need to take to achieve your goals entered as tasks.

In our “Write a business plan for my home business by ________ (on a specific date)” goal example, you can enter tasks on your calendar that include:

* Find a SHORT business plan template

* Business Plan Research Paper 1

* Write point 1 of the business plan

* Discuss the financing of my business with my partner

You Will Have Many Goals – Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term

The best way to set goals for your business is to decide what you want your business to accomplish in three years. This is a long-term goal. Working backwards from that long-term goal, set a medium-term goal of what you want to have accomplished by this date next year.

Your short-term goals are what you want to accomplish in three months, this month, and this week.

Once you start writing down your goals and setting tasks to help you achieve them, you’ll be amazed. Don’t be surprised if you achieve your long-term goals very quickly, much faster than you imagine possible at the moment.

Goals are magical: set them and you will achieve them. What goals will you set to help you make money online today?

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