Tours Travel

Dos and Don’ts for Family Caregivers in Wheelchair Parking

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My husband is in a wheelchair. It’s a high-tech, electric wheelchair so heavy that you wouldn’t be able to push it if the battery ran out. I am your primary caregiver, an expanding role that requires careful planning. Although I am happy to be your driver, I am not always happy with wheelchair parking spaces.

The other night we decided to eat at a restaurant a few blocks from our house. We had eaten there before, thought the food was good, and were satisfied with the parking arrangements. There are two wheelchair spaces in front of the restaurant and two more within walking distance. He was about to enter a space by the front door when an RV sped up and parked.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Three passengers, none of them disabled, got out of the car and entered the restaurant. “If I see them I’m going to say something,” I declared angrily. “That was a terrible thing to do.”

“Don’t bother,” my husband replied. “It won’t change anything.” But some things need to be changed. Disabled parking is a service for community citizens in wheelchairs. Parking illegally in a handicap space is a selfish act, plain and simple.

In Minnesota, where I live, if you park illegally in a handicap space, the fine is $ 225. For this fine to be imposed, you must catch the person who parked illegally. Also, I don’t think the police check these spaces very often.

Two years have passed since I became my husband’s caregiver. During this time, I learned how to prepare for wheelchair parking. Your loved one may also be in a wheelchair, and you can prepare by following these tips.

  • Reach the environment. Drive a day or two ahead of time and note the location of the disabled parking spaces.
  • Check the parking ramps. Do you have wheelchair parking? Is there enough room for a ramp to exit?
  • Call the restaurant. Ask if there is room for someone in a wheelchair. Although restaurants are supposed to be wheelchair accessible, space is often tight.
  • Allow more time. I found that it takes us twice as long to get to the places.
  • Hang the parking ticket on the rear view mirror. Our used wheelchair van also has a decal that asks people to park eight feet from the van.
  • Look at the parking space. Like me, you may need extra space to lower the ramp and for your loved one to step off it.
  • Check if the wheels are straight. The wheels on my husband’s chair turned unexpectedly and one got stuck on the edge of the ramp. I called my grandson for help and he could have called 911.
  • Thanks to the kind people. People who open doors for you and keep them open are compassionate and deserve your gratitude.
  • Get the license plate numbers. If you see illegally parked cars, write down the numbers and report them to the police.
  • Write a letter to the editor. Remind people of disabled parking rules. No one asks to be disabled and your loved one has to adjust to their situation and disabled parking.
  • Be kind to yourself. Don’t let bad parking experiences spoil your day. You and your loved one are together and that is a blessing.

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