Health Fitness

Don’t Eat These Foods If You Suffer From Asthma

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A healthy diet is recommended for people with asthma, as some types of food can trigger asthma symptoms. If you suffer from this disease, being very careful when eating will go a long way to prevent sudden attacks. Surely, you don’t want to take a huge risk of pain just because you want to have certain delicious foods. Although food allergies can trigger this respiratory problem in only a small number of people, avoiding some types of food is highly recommended.

Some foods can trigger asthma attacks as they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, check your food well before you eat it. If your food contains additives benzoates, sulfites, gallates and some colorants such as E102, E104 and E110, it is better to avoid it. So, you should also avoid cider, wine, and beer.

Other foods and drinks to avoid are foods that contain yeast or mold such as bread and blue cheeses. Nuts, especially peanuts, should also be avoided. Meanwhile, some types of food such as milk, wheat and eggs should also be reduced.

Fruits and vegetables are commonly safe to eat. However, it will be better to avoid ripe bananas, oranges, lemons, sour fruit juices, sour fruits, and pickles. Some vegetables that have constipative effects, potatoes, arbi (colocasia) and legumes are also quite harmful. You can eat white meat, red meat and fish, but only in small amounts. However, sea fish should be avoided.

Another simple thing that will have a very bad effect on asthma sufferers is to drink cold drinks. In general, some patients think that the temperature of the drink will not have any negative effect on them. In fact, drinking cold-temperature water could trigger your illness. Therefore, avoiding drinking cold drinks will be very important.

Surely being very careful when choosing certain types of foods to eat will go a long way in reducing your asthma. It’s kind of a simple thing, right?

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