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doing things in "The True Path"

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There is a classic book by Wallace Wattles, “The Science of Getting Rich” which mentions in two separate chapters that the key to success is “thinking and acting a certain way”.

What does that mean to you?

I initially opened this in the 2006 book after seeing the movie “The Secret” and discovering that the woman (Rhonda Byrne) who created the book and movie began her journey of personal growth after discovering Wallace Wattles. I came to hold this book very carefully, carrying it often and reading it several times a year. This book was written in 1910 before Think and Grow Rich, and to my knowledge the first of its kind.

The book lays out the steps to acquiring wealth through a series of mental and physical concepts, the main one being doing things “a certain way”. This statement immediately caught my attention and I asked myself, “What is this way true?”

I’ll get back to that in a second.

When inspired by a thought, I move quickly with faith down that path and confidently look for the next sign on the road. With that said, I want to talk about another book that validated my paradigm shift on The Science of Getting Rich. I changed my perspective on the “certain way” statement and a few days later I started a new book. The book published in 2011 by Napoleon Hill, “Burning the devil”.

If you are interested in personal growth and success, you must purchase this book. Finish this article first. Among other things, Hill’s text says that the “wanderer” is the devil’s biggest and easiest target. The wanderer is described as the person who strives not to think, the person who has no definite purpose and avoids focusing on any one area. The space left open by a lack of focus on improving life is said to be where the devil initially occupies and gains a foothold in that person’s life. It is a great and liberating book.

Okay, let’s put this all together. It’s easy to initially think that doing things a “certain way” means and appeals to a step-by-step method, strategy, or process. That’s what I thought for years and it was enough of a concept to bring me some success. I realize now that it may have been the use of other principles in the book, mainly space fill. This means that one can become so great in value for a space that, by natural law, one has to move on to greater things. This is achieved by leaving nothing undone in a situation.

After researching and pondering and about 6 years of reading this text, I realize that doing things a certain way fits more accurately into the entire direction and teachings of beards by using the following definition

True>> free of doubt or reservation; confident; sure.

The funny thing is that these are the first 4 of 5 meanings of the word, however, while searching the internet for blogs and articles on the subject, there are many others who thought the same as me about the meaning in a certain way. I think it may have been a lost translation as the book is dated to the early 20th century. Doing things in a “determined way” means moving forward with faith, bearing in mind without hesitation what you seek to manifest in your life.

The truth is that with faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. You can jump on the fast track to achieving your goals. To do this, you need to focus, not only to receive your reward, but also to avoid falling into diabolical procrastination. You also need to have faith that your thoughts will manifest in your life according to the faith you have in the space of your physical absence.

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