Digital Marketing

Does an online format make readers skim rather than fully digest the information?

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What kind of online format would really draw readers in to fully digest the information? Any ideas? Read on to find out.

I have surfed the net and read many PDF books and came to the conclusion that compact online text with long paragraphs is difficult for the reader to concentrate and accept the information. Usually they would stop reading the content after just a few lines.

The best online format would be double spaced with short paragraphs. Also put images that go with the text to make the content more interesting. It is recommended that blog posts, articles, and PDF books follow this format so that readers don’t get carried away and stay glued to the content until the end.

Apart from this, the content should not be just gibberish. You need to spell the information in an interesting way so that the reader feels compelled to read and would like to read more of your material, be it blog posts, articles, PDF books, or books in any other format.

So how do you make your content interesting? It should be informative, something innovative that most readers haven’t come across. It can be about an aspect of technology or a biological experiment or any other topic, as long as it imparts information in an exciting way.

If it’s a blog you’re writing, you might think about compiling your blog posts and turning them into an intriguing digital book and selling it on Amazon, following their guidelines.

Or, if it’s a collection of articles you’ve written online, you can compile them into a PDF book and send it out for free to your email list, who will benefit from knowledge of all the content. Make sure the content is right for the right email list and then everything will fall into place. For example, they will also be eager to buy books written by you.

PDF books can be free self-help books or academic articles for magazines or conferences. Either way, upload them to your website to gain visibility and recognition. Whatever niche they may be in, if you follow my guidelines above, yes, you can get a wide audience and there will be more traffic to your site.

As for magazines and conferences, they have their own guidelines and since they are tried and true, visibility and recognition is not hard to come by as long as your content is innovative and exciting.

In short, these are some guidelines you’d like to follow to attract readership and ultimately a broad audience for the online content you create in any form and in any niche.

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