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Chinese astrology: are you in your element?

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What is a habit? A habit can be defined as something we do repeatedly until it becomes our behavior. It is the interplay of knowledge, skill and desire. Whether the habit is positive or negative depends on what it can do for us.

In Chinese astrology, a person is given a set of natal pillars that comprise the 5 metaphysical elements of the universe. These elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Our existences on earth are governed by these. Through the interaction of these elements in a productive, conquering or exhaustive cycle, our destiny is rooted. Our characteristics, attributes, and behaviors are triggered by many of these interactions within our natal chart. One aspect of destiny that we can change is our habit that invariably influences our behavior. This is where an analysis of our natal chart based on the 5 elements can help us figure out which habit will determine our behavior and ultimately our destiny.

In the context of self-improvement, one management guru that stands out is Dr. Stephen R. Covey. His well researched and documented study of human behavior resulted in the publication of the acclaimed book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” In short, the book teaches us how to live a productive and fulfilling life. Using Chinese astrology, we can analyze how these habits are influenced by the elements of our birth chart by their interactions with each other. These elements are our self-element, the self-producing element, the self-exhausting element, the self-conquering element, and the self-conquering element.

habit 1

We always have choices in our lives. What we make of ourselves depends on the choices we make. Whether we live hand to mouth or live off the fat of the land is ultimately up to us. In Chinese astrology, this is the element that relates to oneself.

habit 2

We must have goals in our lives. Goals give us direction and take us where we want to go. It is being proactive in controlling our destiny. This is the element that the self conquers.

habit 3

We must have a plan to achieve our goals. A plan will help lead us to our destination. We need to be disciplined and prioritize which actions come first and which ones to take to get there faster. This is the element that exhausts the self.

habit 4

We should seek cooperation that is mutually beneficial. By having such interaction with each other, everyone wins and no one is made to be a loser. In this way, an agreement will last over time since everyone will be satisfied and remain committed. This is the element that produces the self.

habit 5

We should listen more and talk less to really understand people. By seeking to understand others first, it allows us to see things from their perspective and paves the way for them to understand us in return. This makes us influential. This is the element that relates to the self.

habit 6

We must accept and respect differences in people. By leveraging other people’s strengths and compensating for their weaknesses, we can forge synergies in a team. Synergy is about using creativity to build strengths in diversity so that, collectively, we achieve more than alone. This is the element that produces the self.

habit 7

We must strive to maintain a balance in our lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By having balance in these four areas, we feel energized and empowered to live life to the fullest. It is the culmination of our journey to be a highly effective person.

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