
Child Custody Cases: Preparing for the Hearing

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Usually, when you prepare for a child custody case, it is because the parents could not reach a mutual agreement out of court, so you have turned to the court to help you solve this problem. You know that when you walk into the courtroom, the decision will have an impact on you and the child or children. Yes, you are probably angry, depressed, scared, but one important thing to do is calm down. Nothing good can be accomplished if you are in a high emotional state. You must think of the child or children with a clear mind. Know what is best for the child or children and not what is best for you or the other parent. Try to look from the child’s point of view.

Before child custody cases reach the courtroom, you need to prepare for the hearing.

• Self-Assessment: In child custody cases, honesty is the best policy. Your opponent’s attorney will put you under a microscope, so instead of waiting for them to use your weak spots or reopen old wounds that may have happened during the divorce case, you should do it yourself. Don’t limit your evaluation to just your parenting skills. The judge will see you as an individual along with your parenting skills. Learn about your commendable traits, which ones leave room for change. What parenting skills do you have and what are you weak at? What can you provide for your child? Will he be deprived of something if he lives with you? Your ex and your attorney will identify even your slightest flaws, so be prepared with a reasonable explanation to make your case seem stronger. Do not defend your mistakes, accept them and show how you have dealt with them effectively.

• Know Your Enemy – This would be your ex, so it’s time to self-assess and be honest about it. Look at your ex as an outsider and be unbiased in your views of his strengths and weaknesses. Make sure your custody attorney cannot accuse you of vindictive behavior. Don’t seem inclined to get back at your ex, but be one who is more focused on the future of your child or your children. Think about good and bad personality traits, if you get upset easily and quickly, what parenting skills you lack as a parent, what you can give them, and more.

• Documented Evidence – Support any argument with documentation. This may include proof of financial and personal stability, photos or videos showing you are spending quality time with your child or children, police or medical records if your ex abused you and / or the children, witness statements, etc.

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